6. Closure

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A few hours later Finn finally woke up. He muttered under his breath before he opened his eyes.
"Hey how are you feeling?" Meredith said quietly in case he was still sensitive to the noise.
"Been better," he answered not knowing who he was talking to.
"Would you like me to get you some water?"
"Mer? You're still here?" he asked once he gained consciousness and realised where he was.
"Yeah it's me Finn,"
"You're... you're still here? After everything I said to you?"
"Well most of it was the Tumor talking," she tried trying to cheer him but had no luck.
"I just don't get it,"
"What don't you get," she said not letting him finish his sentence.
"How am I this lucky? I call you out in front of your friends and co workers  yet you're still here taking care of me," he smiled at her. He made her blush a little. "So water?" She asked holding up the cup.
"Yes please I'm really dry." She poured it half way and gave it to him.
"Where's Derek, I want to apologise to him too," he said after taking a sip.
"You want to apologise to him?" She looked at him with a confused look.
"He did save my life even though I shouted at him."
"That's his job Finn. If he didn't he would loose it," she said sounding a bit irritated.
"I know I know. But it would make me feel better. I just want to make everything back normal. When me and you were still in great terms and I wasn't jealous of him," he rambled.
"Okay okay, I'll page him for you," she said taking out her pager.

Within in minutes he was standing in the doorway.
"How are you feeling Finn?" Derek said walking towards the end of his bed.
"Like someone just took a piece out of my brain," he chuckled trying to lighten the mood. Derek laughed at his enthusiasm and looked at his chart.
"Well everything seems to be alright. I'll check in on you in a few hours." He was about to walk out the door when he heard his name.
"Uhm Derek," he stopped and turned around wondering what else he had to say.
"I wanted to apologise for my behaviour earlier today. I didn't mean to cause any sort of drama."
"Don't be silly. That was only the Tumor talking. I'm sure you didn't mean it. Besides I should be the one apologising, I broke your nose after all," he gave him a small smile.
"Wait you broke my nose? No wonder it hurts so bad," he laughed making sure Derek didn't feel guilty.
"Yeah.... sorry. It's kind of my thing. I have to stop doing it. I am working on it I promise."
"It's okay. You did what you had to do. I was way out of line," Derek smiled at him and walked out of the room.

"So I guess it took a Tumor to finally get you alone huh," Meredith laughed at his comment and held his hand.
"I guess so."
"Oh I'm being paged 911 to the ER. I have to go I'm really sorry," she said giving him a worried look not knowing if he's okay with it or not.
"Go go, do your job. I'll be fine," he said pushing her to go. She squeezed his hand and ran to the ER.

Later that night (Merediths house)
"What a day," Cristina said sitting down on the couch between George and Izzy.
"Tell me a about," Meredith said sitting opposite them. "I was called a whore, Twice," Meredith held up to fingers while taking a shot of tequila.
"Oh come on, you know they didn't mean it," Izzy tired to comfort her.
"Eh," she said drinking from the bottle this time.
"I don't think you're a whore," George joined the conversation. Izzy and Cristina smiled at him and raised their eyebrows.
"What?" he asked bit creeped out.
"Nothing, nothing," they both said turning away.

"When did life get so hard?" Meredith finally spoke again.
"I don't know but I'm sure as hell this is not what I imagined it," Izzy took a sip of her wine.
"Oh come one stop whining you babies," Cristina stood up and walked towards the kitchen. "Who wants some more beers." All three of them raised their hands. Cristina took out four beers out of the fridge and sat back down.

It's been a week since Finns surgery. He can finally go home. Meredith helped him pack his stuff and followed him till the entrance. She wasn't able take him home since she was on call tonight but Derek cleared him so he was able to drive.

"How's Finn feeling?" Derek came up behind Meredith, briefcase in one hand ready to leave the hospital.
"You know, same old same old. Tired, bit moody at times but acting better," she turned around and was now facing him. "How are things between you and Rose?" Dereks smiled dropped as he heard the name Rose.
"Oh, uhm could be better. Bit insecure, doesn't believe me when I say there's nothing between us."
"I don't blame her," she let out small chuckle.
"Yeah...," he laughed with her.
"Well I should be getting back to work. But I'll see you tomorrow?" Derek looked back up at her and gave her a smile. "Yeah,  I'll see you tomorrow. Bye Meredith."
"Bye Derek." And they both turned around and started walking in the opposite direction.

The next morning
Meredith was walking out to her car when she saw Derek come back to work.

"Uhhh you must've done something really bad to be going home so early from the hospital," Derek said walking up to her. She didn't even bother to stop. "Shut up," she said smiling as she walked by beside him. He just laughed and went on ahead to get to work.

I know this is short but I had to tell what happens after Finns surgery and what comes next is too long to fit into this chapter.

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