3. Meant to be?

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1 month later

Derek and Addison finally got their divorce finalised. They were actually very professional about it. Addison was a bit more sad about it  then Derek but she knew as well as he did there was nothing they could do to save this marriage. They were very mature at work too. Wouldn't say they were best of friends but they talked and laughed.
One day when Derek was in a long surgery and saw that everyone was tired and couldn't be bothered to say anything, he tried to lighten the mood with a joke. No one laughed until he heard a small giggle behind George who was scrubbing in. He looked around his shoulders to see who it was. Her face looked familiar but he couldn't remember where he saw her first. After surgery as he was scrubbing out he saw walking towards the nurses station .
"Hey. I don't think we officially met, I'm Derek," he smiled with his iconic McDreamy smile and put his hand out.
"You don't recognise me do you," she said with a smirk on her face. Derek looked a bit confused. He was about to say something but she but him to it.
"Goodbye Derek," she said as she was about to turn around and walk away but was pulled back by her hand and was now face to face with him.
"Well then make me remember you. How about Joes at 8?" he said with a smirk on his face.
"And why do you think I would like to go out with you?" she said flirting a bit.
"Come on. I know you want to. I'm very loveable," he said getting a bit closer to her.
"You don't even know my name. You're basically going out with a stranger."
"Then tell me your name and I won't be going out with a stranger. She smiled as she looked down. Few seconds later she looked up. "Fine I'll see you at Joes around 8," she said walking away from the nurses station.
"I still didn't catch your name!" he shouted after her. She turned around and was now walking backwards. She gave him a little smirk and turned around. He chuckled to himself and went to inform the patients parents about their son.

At Joes
Derek was already sitting at the bar. He was drinking his scotch and looking at the door every other minute. The bell rang as someone opened the door. He immediately turned around and saw a girl walk through it. But it wasn't her date. It was Meredith. A smile occurred on his face when he saw her but his smile dropped from his face right after as he saw Finn coming in behind her. He immediately moved few seats further down so they wouldn't realise he's there. He wasn't sure he would be able to get through this night hearing Merediths laugh and smelling her lavender scent hair. He would keep looking over that nurses shoulder and he didn't want to ruin this date. He had to get over her. It's been a month.

After a few minutes he saw the nurse come through the door. Didn't take her a minute till she found him and went over to him.
"You came," he gave her smile.
"I did," she said giving back a smile.
"So will you tell me your name now?" he asked. He was very curious right about now.
"It's Rose."
"That's a pretty name."
"I know," she whispered leaning in close to tease him then turning to Joe for a drink.
They were having a great time together until he heard that famous giggle that made him weak every time he heard it. He tried to ignore but that giggle was his weakness. Because of this he had to cut the date short and tell her there was an emergency at home and he had to get there. He tried to be fast and sneaky so that Meredith won't be able to see him but as he was walking by his scent caught her nose. She turned her head and before she could say his name he was already out the door and out of sight.

She turned around to see if he was with someone. That's when she saw a girl at the end of the bar looking, quite disappointed, at the door.
"Hey Mer is everything okay?" Finn asked a bit annoyed since she looked away middle of his story. "Mer?"
"Huh?" she said turning around. "Oh sorry. What were you saying?" He hesitated before started his story again. Throughout the date Derek was the only person Meredith was thinking about and how he was on a date with another women. She still couldn't figure why it bothered her so much that Derek was with someone or why she was so happy he was single again. She already has Finn and she's happy with him.

Later that night as she was laying in bed all she could think about is Derek and that girl in the bar. She was the girl in the bar.  She liked being the girl in the bar. Was this his classic move? Was she really just another girl he screwed to get over being screwed? Did their time together didn't mean anything to him? He didn't even notice her at the bar. At this point she was rambling and overthinking everything in her head. It was around 2am when she could finally go to sleep.

She woke up next morning thinking about him. She wanted to go up to him and ask her about that date but they weren't that close. He was an attending and she was an intern. She had no right to interfere with his personal life.

Derek woke up the same way..., thinking about Meredith. He wanted to talk to her, he really did. He wanted to hug her and tell her all about his surgeries and the people he saved. But she wasn't his girlfriend anymore. This reminded him of Rose and how he left her clueless at the bar. He knew he had to make that right. He really didn't like hurting anyone.

At the hospital
Derek was standing in front of the elevator waiting for the doors to open and thinking about Rose and how he just left her there because of Meredith. The doors opened and as he was about to go in his eyes caught the most beautiful women. Meredith was standing there with a Hello Kitty plaster (bandage for the people who are confused) on her forehead. She looked up from her paperwork and stood aside to let him in. He walked in pressed the floor he wanted to go to and went to the back of the elevator. There was a few seconds of silence until Meredith broke the it.
"I hate not being able to talk to you," she said not turning around just waiting for a response. He didn't say anything which made her regret saying those words. She heard him move from his position and felt him come around her.
"Me too..." he said breathing her scent in. She pulled the stop button on the elevator and then turned around. Their bodies were so close they could hear each other's heartbeat, their lips were almost touching. They could feel the tension between their bodies. As he stepped closer a colder shiver ran down her spine. Before he could do anything she stepped back and just stared into those innocent McDreamy eyes. He just stood there muddled, not knowing what her next move was.
"I... I can't do this..." she said as she was about to turn around and start the elevator again. But he wouldn't let her. Instead he grabbed her hand and turned her over. He wrapped his hands around her waist.
"I want to touch you. I want to be able to come out of surgery, find you, hug you, kiss you and tell you all about it without getting the look from everyone. I want to be the one to make you laugh like you never laughed before. I would like to be the reason you have that huge smile on your face. I want to be able to make you moan like never moaned before. I want to be with you Meredith. I don't want to be just one of your one night stands" At this point he was already leaning into a kiss. She felt herself getting wet. She didn't do anything until she realised what she is doing is wrong, she can't do this too Finn. So before anything happened she stopped him.
"I just can't. I'm sorry." She turned around and pushed the button back in that made the elevator stop.

Tears formed in his eyes. Was it because he was sad or was it because he was embarrassed? He didn't know but quite frankly he didn't care. He was just rejected by the love of his life and he couldn't stand still anymore. He leaned against the side of the lift as he watched Meredith walk out. What was wrong with him? Why couldn't he get over her. He was rejected twice!
The elevator stopped at his floor and he went to get changed.

When he was walking towards the nurses station to get the charts for a patient he saw Rose looking over some paperwork. Shit, he thought to himself. He totally forgot about her. He went over-there knowing he had to break things off before it got anywhere serious.

Well would you look at out lovebirds.
I hope I can gets some feedback on this story, if you like it or not. What I should change, how I should improve and most importantly how you would like it to continue.

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