23. Our happily ever after

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The next morning Meredith and Derek were woken up by the nurses doing their early rounds. They tried to fall back to sleep but the hospital beds were not made for two people to sleep in.
"I should probably go and get ready for work," Derek slid out from under her giving her a kiss on the cheek and walked out the door. "I'll check in on you later," he said before he was out of sight.
Meredith's heart started to ache thinking about the baby she lost. She felt like crying but she was all dried up. Nothing came out, she just laid there playing with her thumbs, thinking about what comes now. Will things change between Derek and her? She was never keen on becoming a mother, not yet anyway.

Cristina came in knocking on the door making Meredith flinch a bit.
"Hey... How are you feeling?" she said with worry in her voice.
"Sad," Meredith sat up as Cristina sat on the bed beside her.
"Think about this. Now we both lost a fallopian tube. Where tubeless buddies," Meredith laughed at her remark, "Yeah, I guess your right,"
"Do you need anything?" Cristina asked.
"Can you get me out of here?" She said sarcastically.
"Actually yeah, we have a patient who is very sensitive to the light. I put a sack on your head and we'd be out in minutes."
Meredith stopped laughing, seeing Cristinas face not even flinch a bit, "Oh my god you're serious. Cristina I was joking,"
"Hey I'm just here to hide the body," She put her hands up in the air as a sign of defence. Meredith rolled her eyes throwing herself back onto the bed, giving out a small chuckle.
"I'll check in on you later,"
"Okay," Meredith smiled as Cristina walked out the door.

6 weeks later
"Welcome back Grey," Miranda greeted her at nurses station.
"Good to be back," she smiled.
Meredith wandered to the OR board, hands in her coat, seeing if she could get in on any good surgeries.
"It's a quiet day Grey, wouldn't waste too much time looking at it," Bailey gave the chart to one of the nurses and went on with her business. Meredith let out a loud sigh and went to check on her patients.

"She's not in any surgeries is she?" Derek came out from the corner startling Bailey.
"No. But this is the last time I do anything for you that relates to someone not getting in on a surgery," she pointed a finger at him.
"Oh grouchy," Derek joked and left to do his surgery.

It was finally lunch time when the gang was sitting on the gurney talking away.
"Anyone want to go Joes tonight?" Meredith asked, not knowing that, that would make all four of them walk away, "Oh no I'm busy." "I'm on call tonight." "What they said," "Yeah, bye,"all four of them tried to come up with an excuse. "Wait guys! What aren't you telling me?" Meredith ran after them finding all this so confusing. They didn't answer her, they just kept on walking further away from her. As she was about to catch up to them Derek stopped her. "Hey what's the rush?" he asked.
"Them four are being very suspicious, and I need to find out what they are not telling me. So in the nicest way possible, get out my way," she shrugged him off, but he grabbed after her, "Meredith! Before you do that, I want to ask you, to meet me at my trailer after your shift," he said putting his hands on her shoulders.
"Just meet there, okay?" He started walking backwards still waiting for her answer. She hesitated for a bit but realised this is not something she should be hung up on, her friends know something that she doesn't and she has to find out. She nodded and started running towards her friends. They were all already scattered around the hospital, being impossible for her to find them all at once.
"Damn it," she was getting angry at herself.
"What d'you do Grey?" Richard came walking by, seeing Meredith being very angry. She was a bit startled at Richards voice, as she wasn't expecting him to be roaming around at this part of the hospital.
"Oh... Chief... uhm no, just lost some people," Meredith was still looking around.
"Okay then. Have a nice day," Richard tapped her on the shoulders and walked on.
"Yeah, you too Chief," she said walking the other way.

"What the hell Cristina," Meredith found her at the nurses station. "What are you guys not telling me?"
"I assure you, I have no idea what you are talking about, now if you would please excuse me, I need to depart from this conversation to check on one of my dearest patient," Cristina slowly walked away.
"You don't talk, NOBODY TALKS LIKE THAT!!" Meredith was furious with her. "What hell is going on?" She said to herself.

"You really don't know what is happening? The whole hospital knows," one of the nurses heard her.
"Well fill me in already," Meredith was eager to find out.
"Wait you're Grey right?" The nurse realised who she was talking too.
"Yeah that's me,"
"Right, uhm okay, I need to, I can't, I've got to go. But it was nice talking to you," the nurse left her there the same way Cristina did.
"Hey! No, you can't just leave like that. Tell me what's going on," she ran after her.
"Terrible sorry Dr Grey but I can't do that. It would ruin the surprise,"
"Surprise?" She said to herself. "What kind of surprise? I don't like surprises!" Her emotions were going all over the place.
"I can't give you that information," the nurse left before Meredith could grab after her.
"It's not even my first day back and the hospital got weirder. Ha ironic," she laughed to herself.

It was finally the end of her shift and she couldn't wait to go home. All that was keeping her going was knowing that she'll be snuggling next to Derek by the end of the night. As she was changing she remembered Derek asking her to meet her at his trailer which was one of the many weird things that has happened today.

She knocked on his trailer but no one answered.
"Derek?" She looked through the window seeing the lights were all turned off. This made no sense at all. Why would he ask her to meet her here if he's not home? She was turning around when she saw him standing on the field with candles shaped like a heart around him.
"What in the...?" Meredith was shocked to see him standing there all handsome.
"What is happening?" She went into the heart, walking up to him.
"Meredith, when I first met you, you were just a girl in a bar and I was just a boy in a bar. We knew nothing about each other, but that day in that moment when I came up to you, I knew there was something special about you. We had our fair share of painful days but here we are, standing together on a field, where I'm hoping our future house could stand.
If there's a crisis, you don't freeze. You move forward. You get the rest of us to move forward, because you've seen worse, you've survived worse. And you know we'll survive too. You say you are all dark and twisty, but it's not a flaw. It's a strength. It makes you who you are," he cocked his head smiling at her before starting again, "I'm not going to get down on one knee, I'm not going to ask the question. I love you Meredith Grey and I want to spend the rest of my life, with you," he smiled at her staring into her eyes that was filled with all the love he has for her. Meredith was smiling like she never smiled before, "And I want to spend the rest of my life with you." Hearing those words felt like huge weight was just lifted off his shoulders. He grabbed her waist as Meredith wrapped her hands around his neck and kissed her. Kissed her with tongue. Kissed her like he would never kiss her again, except he had a lifetime to spend with the one person that can make him weak in the legs just by thinking about her. Meredith moved one of her hands down to his cheeks. Derek lifted her up, her legs wrapping around his waist.

Meredith moved away from the kiss, looking deeply into his McDreamy eyes, "I love you."
Derek smiled at her before going back into the kiss, "I love you too and I'm never letting you go again."

The end

I hope you guys like this story. If you want to read more of my stories I'm actually working on one, of which I'm posting one of the chapters tomorrow!! :)
Thank you for everyone who followed this story from the beginning. Love you!!

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