1. A choice to be made

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After Derek called Merediths name she just stood there staring at the both of them. Finally she decided to take a step and started walking towards Derek. Finn was devastated. He turned around slowly and as he was walking away he heard three words he never expected to hear in a billion years. "I'm sorry Derek."

Dereks smile dropped as he heard those words. He felt like his heart was ripped out of it's place and shattered into million pieces.
Finn turned around as his frown turned into a light smile. Meredith continued shortly after. "I really am sorry but Finn has plans and you have a wife. You left me remember."
She turned around and started walking towards Finn. He wrapped his arms around her shoulders as they walked out of the hospital.
Derek was left there heartbroken, tears falling down his cheeks, not knowing what to do next. After a few minutes passed he gathered himself up and walked out the hospital to go back to his trailer before Addison did so he can avoid any sort of conversation with her.

Merediths house

"Thank you for taking me home Finn," Meredith thanked him as they walked up to the front door. "It really isn't a big deal. I'd gladly do it anytime,"he said.
As they reached the door they gazed into each other's eyes before Meredith broke the silence. "I should probably go inside and check on Izzy but I'll talk to you tomorrow," she said as she gave him a kiss on his cheek and walked in.

The next morning (Dereks trailer)

Derek woke up tired not wanting to go to work but he didn't want to be here when Addison woke up. He got out of bed, took a shower, got dressed and didn't bother having anything for breakfast and went straight into work. An hour later Addison woke up to and empty bed. She was a bit confused as to why Derek didn't say goodbye or waited for her but she decided to not overthink the situation. She got up and as she was going into the shower she saw a pair of panties hanging from Dereks suit pocket. She didn't recognise it so she picked it up to get a closer look. These weren't her panties. Her husband was cheating on her. She sat on the bed for a few minutes until she decided to get up wash the pair of panties until she took a shower. When she finished she took it out and blow dried it. She put it in her purse and went off to work.

Back at Merediths house
As Meredith came out of the bathroom after talking to Izzy she went into her bedroom and called Finn.
"Hello?" he answered his voice a bit raspy because he just woke up.
"Oh, sorry did I wake you?" Meredith answered.
"Oh not at all, I was already awake I just decided to lay in bed for a few more minutes," he lied.
"Right, I just wanted to check in, as I promised you I'd call you."
"Oh yeah, how's Izzy doing? Is she doing okay?" he asked.
"Still on the bathroom floor. Hasn't moved since yesterday," she said with a worried voice. "It's like that for a while. I'll come by with some warm soup later today. I remember when my wife died all I really wanted was some soup," he said.
"That's really sweet of you but you really don't have to," she said refusing he's offer. He stopped listening after she said "thats really sweet of you" and said he'd be there around noon. They hung up the phone and Meredith went downstairs to her friends, who tried to make some food but no one had any idea how to cook so they ended up doing some sandwiches.

As the day went on people came by checking in on Izzy if she was doing alright. As it hit noon Finn was at the door with some soup as he promised. Meredith opened the door and led him inside the kitchen. He put the soup down and went over to Meredith, cupped her cheeks with his hands and kissed her with passion. Meredith was taken by surprise but she didn't mind. She leaned into the kiss more until she pulled away. She couldn't kiss him without feeling guilty about last night. She just had tell Finn what happened between her and Derek.
She took a step back and looked at Finn. She could feel her eyes getting dry. Finn was a bit worried now and asked what was wrong.
"Finn... there's something you should know," she said stuttering mid sentence. As he nodded she took him upstairs to her bedroom. At this point he was really confused. He had no idea what she was up to and quite frankly he was sacred. They sat down on the bed and she started talking. "It's about last night. And before I get into this I want you to know that I don't mean to hurt you in any way." She was cut off in the middle of her sentence as Finn started talking.
"It's okay, whatever you have to say I can take it....really"
"Okay, here it is. When we were dancing I lied. I'm not claustrophobic. I was short of breath because Derek kept looking at me with those McDreamy eyes, so I knew I had to leave. I had to get some air. I felt like I was suffocating. But then he started chasing after me. I went into one of the rooms but as I was about to shut the door on him he slid in. One thing lead to another and... I... I uhm... we... well we... we had sex. I am so sorry Finn," when she finished her face was in her hands trying to hide the fact that she was crying.
Finn didn't know what to do. He was shocked, he was hurt. He felt betrayed but most of all he was worried. He knew Meredith was going through some serious stuff. And the more he thought about it they weren't really officially together. They never talked about what this thing between them really meant. So he decided to let it go and hugged her. She was the confused one now. Why would he be hugging her after she just told him she slept with another guy?
"It's okay," he said trying to calm her down.
"What....?" she muttered. "You're not mad?"
"Well I'm a bit hurt so to say but I'm not mad. We haven't really said we are official." As he said those words she didn't say anything, she just hugged him and they stayed there for a while.

Well isn't this just lovey-dovey. Trust me this is a MerDer fanfic but I had this idea of what would've happened if she actually chose someone. This is my first fanfic so don't judge yet please, I am trying. I will take any advice or remarks that involve me improving.
Well that's it and I hope you'll enjoy this story!!

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