2. Jealousy

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A few days have past since the whole Denny incident. Izzy's back on her feet and baking as many muffins as she possibly can. All the others have gone back to the hospital. Since Meredith has been back she's all Derek can look at. She's either going through some charts, talking to a patient or she's eating. He also requested her for a whole week. Which of course she didn't mind, she loved neuro. Finn came to visit during lunch hour as many times as possible. That made Derek really mad. He couldn't put his finger on it as to why it made him so angry, all he knew is that he needed to keep Meredith busy during lunch. Every time he came up to them, after a few minutes, he would go over to them and tell Meredith he needs her help with a patient. As an intern she can't really deny that request. Finn knew that Derek was doing this out of jealousy but he let it go since it's teaching Meredith to be a better doctor, besides she chose him.

Addison on the other hand was watching from the sidelines. She had her suspicions as to who the girl his husband screwed that night could've been but seeing Derek never laying his eyes off of Meredith just made her assumption right. She didn't know what to do. After all she, was the one who cheated on him first. She wanted to confront him but didn't know how to. All she could think of is to put the panties on bulletin board. Addison and Derek went on with their life like nothing happened. Except it did. Derek left early in the morning and came back late at night. He didn't even talk to her. Addison could take it for a while but after a week she just had enough. Three days after all the interns came back she decided to wait for Derek to come home instead of going to bed.

She closed her eyes every other minute because she was knackered after the day she had in the hospital. Around one o'clock she could here someone coming to the front door. She flung her eyes wide open and sat up straight. Derek could hardly go through the door he was worn out. As he turned around he could see Addison sitting there staring at him. He did not have the energy for this at all. So he decided to ignore her and just go straight to bed. He was already comfy in the bed until Addison decided to talk.
"Derek we need to talk."
"Aghh," he moaned pulling the pillow over his face.
"Please Derek this is really important," she begged.
"Can't this wait till tomorrow," he said barely able to keep his eyes open.
"No, it's eating me alive and I can't sleep, I can't eat. Hell I can't do my job properly."
"Ugh, okay.... what is it?" he said turning to her.
"Did you sleep with Meredith?" she asked hoping the answer was no even though she knew that wasn't true.
He didn't say anything. He just laid there with his mouth open not knowing what to say. How did she know? How did she figure it out? Although now that he thought about it he didn't quite try to hide the staring from her.
By the look on his face she knew the answer.
"I see...," she said tears forming in her eyes. "I'm so sorry Addi," is all he could say. There was no possible way to get out of this one.
"Haven't I paid enough? Are you deliberately trying to hurt me more? Do you want a divorce? What do you want from me Derek?" she said rambling on and on. Derek just stared not knowing what to do. Did he do this deliberately. Is he trying to hurt her? He didn't know. He knew he was really mad at her but he thought he forgave her. All of a sudden Derek was brought back to reality as he heard Addison still rambling on.
"I want a divorce," he said out of the blue. He had no idea where that came from. It just came out. At those words Addison stopped talking and just sat there, mouth wide open with tears falling down her cheeks.
"Wha...Wa...Ah...You...wha...," she tried to form a sentence but nothing came out.
"Im really sorry Addi but this marriage is just broken beyond repair." After he finished, he turned around and was sound asleep. He couldn't remember the last time he slept so well.
Addison was star struck. She just sat there hours after hours tears falling down her cheeks. She couldn't sleep.

Next morning at the hospital
Derek walked in with a small smile on his face. He was free, finally free. He was as a bit sad. After all they were married for 11 years. He did love her for a while, he thought as the smile faded away, but the marriage was failing long before she slept with Mark. He went into the Attending's lounge and got change. As he was going to the nurses station to get his patients charts she saw Meredith already looking through it.
"Hey," he said going up to her.
"You're quite cheerful. Did you get some last night?" she asked quite embarrassed afterwards. She didn't know why she said that it just popped out. He chuckled and then looked at her.
"Not that it's any of your business Dr. Grey. But no I did not get laid last night I got a divorce."
"I'm so sorry Der... I mean Dr. Shepherd I didn't mean to... wait catch me up, why is that a good thing?" she said more confused than embarrassed.
"Because Dr. Grey, I never felt more free. Now this is really inappropriate to be discussing with you. Would you catch me up on our patient please," he said looking down at the chart.
"Right sorry. Hayley May 16, was admitted last night because she tried to claw her eyes out. She kept having mental breakdowns. It could be schizophrenia but we are not quite sure what is causing it. Her vitals are good. No signs of a Tumor."
"Well then, let's go and check on our patient Dr. Grey," said Derek very happy as he turned around. Meredith followed him into the patients room bit worried about his reaction to a divorce but she shrugged it off and went after him with a huge smile on her face. He finally got a divorce. All of a sudden she stopped right in front of the patients room. Why was she smiling about that? Did she still have feelings for him? Why was she so happy about it. She had Finn. She liked Finn. Finn has plans. She was brought back to reality as he heard Derek call her name. "Meredith, Meredith," he sounded bit more aggressive the second time. She shook her head and looked at him. "Is everything okay? I was asking about the patient but you just dosed off "
"Yeah, sorry Dr. Shepherd," she said continuing going into the room and telling him about the patient as an intern should do.

Chief was going through some paper work as he heard a knock on the door.
"Come in," he said looking up from his paperwork to see Addison in a used T-shirt with a jumper and jacket over it. A bucket hat and no makeup.
"Morning Chief."
"Addison! What the hell happened."
"I need the day off. For drinking," she said already a bit drunk.
"What why?" said Richard in a confused voice.
She sighed: "I am feeling the need to do some drinking. My marriage has failed and I feel like I'm already telling you way more then I'm supposed to," Richard stopped her there before she said anything he knew she would regret.
"Alright Addi take the day off, since you're already a bit drunk and in no shape to be working."
"Thank you Chief," she said as she wobbled out the office.

"Hey Mer," Cristina said running after her as they went out of the patients room. "Is everything okay? You looked like you've seen a ghost." Meredith looked at her and didn't say anything.
"Hey Mer?" she asked a bit worried.
"Huh? What? Yeah no I'm fine. Nothing's wrong. Just thinking," she lied. Cristina of course didn't believe her. "Yeah right, and I just failed my boards. Is this about Finn? Or...,"
"Oh no, no no it's nothing like that. You know what. I really don't want to talk about this right now," she said turning around to see if Hayley's lab results are back. Cristina didn't really want to go after her because she had her stuff to do.

As Meredith was going to go grab something to eat real quick before she went back to work she saw Finn in the waiting area of the hospital. She really didn't want to talk to him right now so she try to hide but was soon caught running to the other side.
"Hey! Meredith!" shouted Finn after her. Meredith froze immediately then turned around slowly her eyes shut because she didn't want to be seen but was caught. When she stopped, she opened her eyes and walked up to Finn.
"Hey... I'm sorry but I'm not free right now. I have to go get this girls head CT and then I might have to get Derek to look at them if there's something wrong and then..."
"Meredith calm down," he said cutting into the middle of her sentence. "I'm not here for you. I'm actually here for my niece. I was told she was here because she tried to scratch her eyes out," as he finished the sentence she realised that's  her patient. "Oh my god that's my patient I was about to get her head CT," she said.
"Well is it possible I could see her?" he asked.
"Uhm... I'll have to check with Derek but I'll get back to you on that," she said turning around going to get her CT scans. When she got them she tried to find Derek to ask him if Finn can see Hayley.
"Dr. Shepherd!" she shouted seeing him walking to get something to eat.
"Hey! What's up? Are those the CT scans?"
"What? Oh yeah... I was actually coming to ask you about something else. Finn came in today."
As he heard his name he felt like someone punched him right in his guts. "He was asking if he could check on Hayley since she's his niece and he's worried," he looked at her as she finished her last sentence. He really wanted to say no because he couldn't stand looking at him but he knew he couldn't let his feelings for Meredith interfere with his work.
"Uhhh..." he stuttered a bit. "Yeah sure I'll ask the parents and I'll page you if they say yes"
"Thank you Dr. Shepherd," she turned around and started to look for Finn to tell him what Derek told her.
Derek just watched her walk away. He loved the way she looked from behind. Once she was out of sight he sighed went in to check on his patient.

I know this is quite boring but it'll get better soon I promise.

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