7. Trust is funny word, don't you think?

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Since Derek punched Finn right in front of everybody things between Derek and Rose haven't been the easiest. She still doesn't want to believe him, that there's nothing between him and Meredith even though he told and proved to her tons of times there's nothing between them. The stubborn lady that she was, she needed more persuasion. So Derek planned a weekend trip to the wine country. Just the two of them.

Meredith and Finn weren't on the best of terms either. She needed time to be comfortable around him again. So in a way they started fresh. They went on dates and they didn't spend a night at each others house. The same old beginning of relationship stuff. But as hard as they tried to get things back to normal the spark was just never there.

"Hey, how's things between you and Finn?" Cristina asked seeing Meredith staring at the OR board.
"I don't know. I mean we're trying but I don't think things are going to work out between us," she took her eyes of the board and looked at Cristina.
"Oh to bad. Started to actually like the guy," she said looking at the board too. "Do you have any cool surgeries?"
"No not really. Just an appendectomy with Bailey. You?"
"I'm scrubbing in on a valve replacement with Burke."
"Maybe I should sleep with Burke. Then I can actually get on one of those cool surgeries you keep getting," she smirked and then walked away to check on a patient.

It was a quite day at the hospital. Few emergencies came in but they weren't major. Meredith and Cristina finished their shifts at the same time so they decided to go to Joes together.

Little did they know Merediths life was about to brake into million pieces. They walked through those doors and at that moment Merediths heart just froze. There's was Finn kissing another women. Oh but not just any women. It was Rose, Dereks insecure whiny girlfriend, Rose.

Even though she felt it she couldn't help herself to pass out. Cristina caught her in her hands. She started to gently slap her face.
"Mer wake up! Meredith!" the whole bar went silent as she shouted her name. Even Finn and Rose stopped snogging to see what was going on.
"Mer come one. Wake...Up!" Meredith eyes flew open and immediately sat upright.
"Don't you ever scare me like that. You hear me," Cristina said slapping her arm.
"Ooww. Thanks for the warm welcome back."She was rubbing trying to get used to reality again. "What exactly happened?"
"You past out right after you saw those two lovebirds going at it," she pointed at Finn and Rose. The both turned tomato red and tried to avoid any contact we anyone since the whole bar was listening to the conversation between Meredith and Cristina.

"Meredith I can explain," Finn started to walk towards them but was blocked by the people in the bar. "Excuse would you just let me threw so I can talk to her?" he asked one of the guys who blocked him.
"I think you've done enough talking. Go back to your make out session would ya," said the man, who was blocking him.
"Just please let me explain Meredith," he said looking at her now.
"Oh I think you've done enough explaining already," she turned around and walked into a guy on her way out.

Derek couldn't wait to go to the bar and relax after the surgery he just had. He got changed and slowly arrived at Joes. It was oddly very quite, he thought to himself but went in anyway. He went in looking around what was happening until a women bumped into him.
"I'm so sorry," Meredith said not even looking who it was, she bumped into. Luckily Cristina saw him and stopped him before he got into that drama.
"Oh no, you don't want to come in here. You'll drive and I talk," she said turning him around and pushing him out.
"What the hell happened in there?" Meredith was crying at this point. When they got in the car Cristina explained everything.
"That bitch," Derek blurted out after Cristina finished . Meredith started laughing at his comment.
"Yeah... you could say," she said wiping the tears of her face.
"Oh I totally forgot you were back there Mer. You must feel terrible. You guys been dating longer then we have," Derek said reaching behind him to stroke her thigh.
"I'll be fine, thanks Derek," she said squeezing his hand and then letting go so he could drive.

"So what now?" Cristina asked.
"I don't actually know. I mean I had this whole weekend planned for Rose and I but now... I can't go alone," Derek answered trying to figure out what to do with those plans.

"Hey why don't you guys go?"
"What?" Meredith was taken by surprise.
"Yeah. It's two days up at the wine country. You guys could take two days off. Being an intern is not easy," he said looking from Meredith to Cristina. They hesitated at first. They could both use a break from work but again they needed to be top of their class. "Come one it'll be great for you guys. And when you come back you'll be relaxed and still be top of your game. What do you guys say?" He was getting more excited about it then the two girls.
"You sure you don't want to go? Cause you seem like your about to do a back flip in the car with all this excitement in you," Cristina joked as she looked at him funny. Meredith started laughing. "Fine we'll take two days off." A huge smile grew on Dereks face. "But we're only doing it because you begged us," Meredith said pointing a finger at him. Derek smirked looking at her through the mirror.

They arrived finally arrived at Merediths house.
"Derek you want to come in?" Meredith asked before she stepped out of the car.
"I really shouldn't I have a big surgery tomorrow and I need to get some sleep."
"Oh come on, you went to Joes. It can't be that big of a surgery. Just one drink, you'll be fine," Meredith said opening his door.
"If you insist," he chuckled getting out the car.

*few hours and drinks later*

"Well I should go to bed, I'm up early tomorrow," Meredith said as she stood up.
"Yeah I should leave to. Big day tomorrow," Derek said raising his eyebrows.
"Oh no, you are in no shape to drive. Plus we'll need someone to drive us in tomorrow. You can sleep on the couch," she pushed him back and gave him a blanket.
"If I didn't know any better you love having me on this couch," he smirked remembering the first time he was here. Meredith just rolled her eyes, smiling at that memory.
"You can use the shower upstairs if you need one." She said turning around and going upstairs. Cristina followed her since she couldn't go home either.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter. xx

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