16. Just don't

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"What are you doing here Derek?" Cristina said.
"Please let me talk to Meredith," tears were forming in his eyes. Cristina wasn't the type to give in after seeing someone cry.
"That's cute. The thing you're doing with your eyes but you know this doesn't work on me,"
"Please," he whimpered.
"No! You have hurt her enough for a lifetime. Go screw up someone else's life," Cristina pointed to the hospital and turned around and got back into the care.

Derek stepped aside watching the love of her life drive away. How could he let it go this far ? It shouldn't matter to him if Meredith is ready or not. She should've been his first priority, not marriage and children.

"What did he want?" Meredith finally spoke 10 minutes later.
"Sorry?" Cristina asked.
"Derek," Meredith turned to her, her voice sounding very tired.
"Oh. Nothing," she lied.
"It didn't look like nothing to me,"
"It's not something you should get yourself worked up on, okay?" Cristina tilted her head facing her a little, waiting for an answer. She moved her head that was more or less a nod.

The next day. (Day of the exam)
Meredith woke up with a major headache. Eyes swollen from all the crying she did last night. If the exams weren't today she would stay in bed all day and call in sick. Slowly she got herself out of bed and went to take a bath.

Izzy was downstairs making breakfast when she heard a knock on the door, "Who on earth is looking for us this time of the day?" she was saying as she saw Derek standing there, "Oh, that's who." She opened the door but not letting him in.
"I need to talk to her," he said not even saying hi.
"There is no way I'm letting you in. I thought Cristina was clear yesterday?" She tried to stop him from coming inside but he was just too strong. He gently pushed her aside barging into house.
"Dr Shepherd you're breaking so many rules,"
"I don't care I have to talk to her." He ran up the stairs. Izzy ran after him trying to stop him from getting near Meredith.

He got into her room, not seeing her there he went to her bathroom. Izzy came running after him, shouting to warn Meredith, "Meredith I am so sorry, I tried to stop him!"
Derek barged into the bathroom not seeing Meredith. He went closer to the tub seeing her drowning herself. Derek freaked out,  "Meredith!" He pulled her of the tub. Meredith still having are eyes closed, started coughing, water coming out with it. Izzy came in soon after, "What happened?"
"She was drowning herself that's what happened!" Derek was a bit angry at her roommates for not keeping a closer look on her.
"I wasn't drowning myself, I'm fine," Meredith defended herself.
"You're not fine," Derek handed her a towel.
"What even are you doing here?" Meredith wrapped the towel around herself.
"I needed to talk to you,"
"Oh no, you don't get to talk," Izzy finally jumped into the conversation pushing Derek out.
"Izzy please I just. I want to find out if she's okay,"
"No, she's not okay. She's a human traffic accident. Everybody stopped and looked at the wreckage yesterday. She's doing the best she can with what she has left. Look I know you can't see this yet but you can't help her now, you'll only make it worse. You saw what she was doing now. Leave her to mend. If you still have any sense in you, you would turn around and walk away," Derek stood there not going anywhere.
"Go on!" Izzy pointed to the door. Derek nodded and walked out.

"Dr Shepherd?" George came out of his room rubbing his eyes to see if it was actually Derek.
Derek ignored him and walked downstairs and out the door.
"Mer?" Izzy knocked on the door. "Are you okay?"
"I'm fine Izzy. I'll come out in a minute," she assured her.

"Why was Derek here," George asked as Izzy came out of her room.
"Being all McDreamy," she replied.

At the hospital
Two hours. I just have to focus for two hours. Meredith walked through the doors of the hospital, telling herself to focus and not daydream into space.
Cristina came from behind her touching her shoulder and smiling. They both walked to the elevator to see Derek standing there on his phone. He looked up for a minute to see who was there, he saw it was Meredith and he immediately put his phone away.
"Meredith," he said softly.
"Don't," Cristina put his hand up as they walked in. Derek didn't try to make an excuse for himself, he went to the back of the elevator giving them room.

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