"Su, I tried to be reasonable. But you don't listen to reason, do you?"

"Fuck you." Kuvira raised a lip slightly.

"What was it you said when I mentioned justice for my injury? 'I'm not their boss. They can bring justice upon themselves?' Ring a bell?"

"Thats not what happened, and you know it?"

"Do I? Do I know it? I was there, Su, I saw what fucking happened. It was you who missed it!" She pulled up her armor, revealing the scar that had plagued her abdomen for the better part of three years.

"You know how to leave scars on people, don't you? You've gotten pretty good at convincing yourself you did nothing wrong. I think you're sister would agree with me."

"Leave Lin out of this!'

"Why? You need hope that she'll come save you and your pathetic family?"

"She will!"

"Then where. Is. She?" Su bit her mouth close, and Kuvira straightened her back with a grin.

"Thats what I thought." She was about to leave, let the guards deal with her, but something made her stay. Her guards came back in, rolling in the platinum prison which would hold the Matriarch for the rest of the siege.

"Kuvira, isn't that a little dramatic?" Su asked, her eyes widening in fear at the sight of the cage.

"Probably. But you Beifongs are unpredictable. I suggest you get in, unless you rather one of them force you in." Su looked to Kuvira then to the cage, gulping. Reluctantly, the matriarch stepped inside, the guard closing it on her. Kuvira walked up to it, smiling. Suyin was nothing but her face now. The stupid, fucking beautiful face that haunted Kuvira every night. Su growled at her angrily kuvira met her gaze, leaning forward placing one hand on the back of the other girls head, pulling herself into a kiss. She held it there, pressing their lips in one last passionate dance, her last reminder of the past. When she pulled away, she touched a finger to her lips. Suyin's eyes were glassy with tears and Kuvira looked away before she began to cry.

"For what its worth, Su. I really did love you."

"So she held you hostage in animalistic chambers?"

"Yes, but not for long. She loved us to a wooden cage suspended inside a hollow mountain."  Kuvira touched her bottom lip, biting back tears. Su saw her, too. And the older woman looked away.

"Mrs Beifong, are you okay?"

"I'm fine I just... can we break? Please?" Su looked to the judge who sighed and banged his gavel.

"We will have a brief recess, Mrs. Beifong, please pull yourself together.

"Of course. My apologies." She rose from the witness stand, and Kuvira watched idly by as she sprinted out of the courtroom.


"You good?" Lin asked, coming up to her sister.

"Yeah I'm just... I didn't know it would be so hard." Lin leaned against a beam, crossing her arms.

"You want to... um... talk about it?" Su smiled, using a napkin to wipe her tears as she sniffled.

"You don't have to do this, Lin. I know feelings aren't your fortè."

TLOK Kyalin Oneshots NEWWhere stories live. Discover now