Chapter Thirty: Old places, old faces

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Alright so you guys have been waiting long enough for this chapter. Tbh I have too, but what is one to do when there is school which involves studying and work?! But it will be all worth it in the end! am I right or am I right? With that said let's get into it.

Song:Miss you By:Lisa Loeb


"Salut, je me demandais si je peux acheter ce téléphone là-bas," (Hi, was wondering if I can purchase that phone over there) I say getting to the point, wanting to get away from him as soon as possible.

"Oui, et dans quelle couleur aimeriez-vous ?," (Yes, and what color would you like it in?") He asks.

"Rouge," (Red) I reply and he smiles.

"Daccord, attends pendant que je vais le récupérer." (Alright, please wait while I go retrieve it) He replies and I nod. He comes back a couple of seconds later with the phone and rings it up. I hand him the cash and in a couple of seconds I have my own phone.

"Merci," (Thank you) I say turning to leave.

"Tu ne veux pas le mettre en place ?" (Don't you want to set it up?) He asks and I shake my head.

"Non merci. Je men occuperai, mais merci." (No thank you. I'll take care of it, but thank you.) I tell him, putting the phone in my purse.

"Écoutez, je sais que nous avons commencé du mauvais pied, mais ... pouvons-nous recommencer?" (Listen, I know we started off on the wrong foot but...can we start over?) He blurts out. I turn my eyes clashing with his, That's when I notice his eyes are a pretty hazel.


"Je te promets que je ne suis pas impoli. Je ne voulais pas être plus tôt aujourdhui dans la bibliothèque." (I promise, I'm not rude. I didn't mean to be earlier today in the library.) He interrupts me, his cheeks tinting a light pink and I can't help but blush felling bad for making him feel that way.

"Désolé, je ne voulais pas que tu te sentes comme ça. Jai juste pris tort. Je suppose quon peut recommencer." (Sorry, I didn't mean to make you feel that way. I just assumed wrong. I guess we can start over.) The words come spewing out of my mouth and I want to facepalm myself when I realize what just came out of my mouth. I just couldn't be mean to him, with his little nerdy and dorky self. With his enticing eyes and dazzling smile. I guess I'll just not keep him as close. So when I leave, I'll just be a distant memory.

"Oh, merci!" (Oh thank you!) he says excitedly and I can't help but smile back as well.

"Puis-je vous demander pourquoi vous êtes si prêt à me connaître?" (May I ask why you're so set on being acquainted with me?) I ask him.

"Tu as lair dune personne vraiment gentille. Quelquun avec une â me gentille." (You seem like a really nice person. Someone with a nice soul) he blushes and I do as well.

"Tu as lair dun rêveur, Un lecteur" (You sound like a dreamer, a reader) I reply softly and to that he chuckles.

"Il faut en connaître un." (Takes one to know one.)

"Touche, je ferais mieux dy aller." (Touche, I better get going) I say and go to make my way to the door.

"Hé, cest bon!" (Hey!) he shouts, as my hand hovers over the door handle. I turn. "Comment t'appelles-tu?" (What's your name?) He asks.

"Hiver." (Winter) I answer.

"Zach." (Zach) He smiles and I give him one last nod before walking out.

"So much for not making friends," I sigh as guilt fills me up. Knowing that our whole friendship started out on a lie. Let's pray that he never finds out. Or I leave just as he does.

The minute I enter the house I pull out my phone and quickly set it up. Connecting it to the wifi. I dial a familiar number.

"Hello?" They ask.

"Salu...hi," I say quickly switching over from French to English.

"Lil is that you?!!!" The familiar voice asks me in relief.

"Yes Cargo it's me-"

"Where are you?!!! Are you ok?? What the hell?" He interrupts me.

"Cargo who the fuck are's her isn't it?" I hear Virgo say in that background.

"Wait is that Lil?!!" Brad asks and I feel tears enter my eyes at the familiarity of his voice.

"You're now on speaker," Cargo says and I nod.

"Listen, I-I can't tell you guys where I am. I promise you that I'm ok, and I'm really sorry for leaving at the last minute," I sniffle.

"You had us all worried!" Brad exclaims angrily.

"Not as worried as Mr. Hottie. He's looking for you as we speak. I mean he's no longer here, he left the same day you did but he's looking that's for sure," Virgo says coldly and I wince.

"I know you guys are upset but you have to understand-"

"UNDERSTAND WHAT?!!! THAT YOU USED US, LIED TO US?!! AND FOR WHAT I ACTUALLY, I CANT BELIEVE I... Was anything of what we had real?" Cargo sighs. "What do you want?" He asks.

"I-I want to explain why I did what I did," I whisper the tears already falling.

"Oh this is going to be good," Virgo says sarcastically.

"Why should we believe you? You won't even tell us where you are" Brad asks.

"I don't blame you if you don't want to associate with me after this conversation but please at least listen to me." I sob. There's silence, all I hear is their breathing. Just when I'm about to hang up, I hear a sigh.

"Alright, talk," Cargo says. I take my cue and begin.

That's the end of Chapter Thirty I hope you all enjoyed it!!!

What do you guys think of Zach?

Favorite parts so far?

What do you think is going to happen next?

Until next time pets.

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