10. Twoset Football Talent III

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Eddy smiled.

"Okay Brett, I'll believe that if you say so, thank you."

The drive home was quick and smooth with very little traffic late in the evening. 

Brett was in a great mood.

"Eddy, I was really impressed with you today. Did you know that 99% of recommendations from sisters and girlfriends about their talented brothers or boyfriends are a complete waste of my time?"

Eddy blushed.

"So I was in the 1%? I managed to not waste your time?"

"Yeah, you were definitely the 1%. And no, Eddy, you were fantastic. And I wasn't the only one who thought so, judging from how the other agents were reacting to you."

"Wow, I suppose I owe it big time to you."

"Y'know, to be honest, I think you would've been discovered eventually without me. But without any youth career in Australia, it would have taken you much longer to get noticed. So, were you approached by any agents?"

"Yes, I got all these business cards after training.. agents and team coaches, too! Wow, I think I've seen this guy's name in sports news..."

Brett drove in silence and let Eddy check out his newly acquired business cards collection until they arrive at Eddy's house. Brett parked his car on the side of the road and turned off the ignition. 

Eddy unbuckled his seatbelt.

"Well, thank you so much for today, Brett."

Brett unbuckled his seatbelt too so that he can turn his body towards Eddy.

"You're welcome, Eddy.  Just promise me that you won't sign any contracts until you get your agent or a lawyer to check them. I can even check them for you, as a favour for you and your sister."

"Okay, thank you, that's such a generous offer. ...Um, Brett, why are you so nice to me ?"

"...I guess I just can't bear to see your talent taken advantage of. Unfortunately, it happens a lot in the industry, just like in any field I suppose."

Eddy looked down at the business cards collection in his hands.

".. I see.  So there might be some dodgy guys in here ?"

"Most of the guys that were there today were pretty legit, decent guys.  But even then, they may put their own agenda way above your interests and needs - after all, their business is to make money out of you.  So you have to make sure you get someone who will work with you for a win-win solution."


"Oh, and while we're on the subject, make sure you sign up with an agent and team who is willing to meet your parents."

Eddy's expression changed.

"W, what ?  But  I'm over 18."

"You're still 19 Eddy and your family should be involved in the process. You told me a bit of your family history and I understand things might still be a bit awkward at home... but I still believe you should involve your family."

Eddy ran his hand through his hair and shook his head in frustration.

"I really don't get along with them... They're just tolerating me living here because I've got nowhere else to go at the moment.

Brett looked at Eddy who now looked like a frightened wild animal.  So Brett kept his voice calm and soft so that he wouldn't upset Eddy any further.

"Eddy, they could become your biggest supporters and I think this is really important for your football career. So, any agent that says you can just sign up on your own as an adult, in my opinion, isn't trustworthy."

Eddy held his breath.  His voice cracked as he tried to get his words out.

"I dunno... that's gonna be so hard..."

"I am trying to understand Eddy, I'm not gonna pretend I know your whole story but you can tell me anything and we can work through it together if you want to.  These things might take a bit of time.  But what I know for sure is that if this talk upsets you like this now, you aren't going to be playing your best football."

Eddy looked up sharply at Brett.  There were tears welling up in his eyes.

"... So do you think I'm too messed up in the head to play well?"

Brett placed his hand on Eddy's shoulder.

"Hey... Eddy, it's okay, calm down.  Having said all that, I would like to be your agent."

Eddy blinked and teardrops fell from his eyes onto his T-shirt.


"Yes Eddy, really.  I'm actually the top talent scout agent in Queensland. You can check my website and see how many A-leaguers I represent. If you can trust me, I will always be on your side, by your side. And I can honestly say that I could be the guy that can take you to see the world."

Eddy quickly wiped his tears with the back of his hand and smiled.

"Okay Brett, I'm gonna hold you to that. Please take me to see the world with you. Please come in and say hello to my parents."


A/N: This concludes the "Twoset Football Talent" trilogy!  I hope you liked it and thank you so much for reading ♥

Addit.  I've actually written further chapters to this story and they can all be read in a separate book called "Twoset Football".  If you are interested in further chapters to this story, please do have a read, thank you!

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