Chapter 23

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Blood // Water

Eloise POV

She was so nervous she could feel her magic flooding the atmosphere, she was waiting for Thanos to tell her to grab them and transport her friends to his location. He wanted a fight, to show these avengers he would bend them to his will. "Daughter." Without opening her eyes, she summoned all her friends, she opened her eyes as they appeared in front of them. She stood behind Thanos, with Gamora and Nebula. He planned to use the Black Order first, rather than his daughters to deal with these avengers unless than they were needed.

She heard Tony speak but her mind was focused on Loki who stood closest to Vision, of fucking course hes here as she saw a blinding flash of light hit Thanos, knocking him back into her, she went flying, as she used her magic to catch him. "Thank you daughter. Stay here next to me, Nebula, Gamora, the stone." She stood up taking in the mahiem around her, her friends fighting, she searched for Loki, as Caps shield went whizzing past her head, she glanced at Thanos, he was focused on the fights, she risked using her magic, slingshotting the shield back at Steve, he caught it and nodded to her. She saw him speak his hand on his ear, as she watched Tony land near Thanos. "Daughter, deal with this." She stepped in between, "Hey princess of darkness, wondered if we'd be seeing you. Any chance you wanna switch sides or are you siding the with sith this time?" She saw his weapons light up as she sent him flying. Suddenly there was a hail of bullets and she cloaked her self in her magic, she glanced at Bucky moving towards her, she took off running at him, his eyes widening, "Hi solider, fancy a dance?" She grinned, winking at him as she drew her sword. "Beat me to it doll." He winked back, as she swung at him, he blocked her, twisting the sword out of her hand and tossing it to the ground, when she felt someone grab and twist her arm behind her, a knife placed at her throat, "Now be still like a good girl," Loki purred in her ear, "Mmmm tempting. But we both know I'm not much for behaving." She yanked his hand with the knife away, elbowing him hard, before throwing him into Bucky. "Two on one, that's hardly fair, is it boys?" She smiled hands on her hips, as they helped each other up, suddenly she went flying as Wanda and Vision flew into her knocking her into the trees. Wanda landed on top of her, "Go" Eloise placed a small stone in Wanda's hand as Wanda help lift a wounded Vision then used her magic to send Eloise flying back into the chaos.

She landed with a sickening thud in front of Nebula and Nat, Nat using the distraction knock Nebula down and took off running with a nod to Eloise. Her ears ringing she rolled into a sitting position to find she'd landed on her arm which was most definitely broken. She quickly magicked on a splint of sorts while trying to heal her arm as someone grabbed her hair, "Daughter, the Vision, can you sense the stone?" Thanos held her up as she squirmed, her good arm on Thanos's hand trying to free her hair. "No!" She managed to shriek. He dragged her to the middle of the field the fighting still continuing as she struggled against him. "ENOUGH" he roared every eye turned to them as he forced her to knees in front of him. She felt the hot metal lash against her back as he struck her, her body shaking as each lash hit, she bit her lip so hard she could feel the blood running down her face. Dimly she could hear Loki screaming in front of her somewhere. "Where did Vision go?!" Thanos bellowed, "Hes gone with the stone." Tony yelled. Thanos roared as the black order began to disappear. She saw Gamora's hands reach for her, as Thanos sent them back to his planet, her last glance she locked eyes with Loki with Steve and Bucky holding him back his eyes frenzied as her world went black.

Red... her world consisted of red hot burning searing pain. There were other things but they were nothing next to pain. Then slowly the pain began to retreat some and the other things took focus, sounds, something lovely spoke to her though she didn't understand the words the meaning resonated with her, safety, peace, strange beeping, sometimes the beeping was fast or slow, touch, she was resting on something so soft and cool in comparison to the rest of her body that burned, there was relief as she sagged into it, then she realized there was smells, mint with a hint of spice was most often there, she liked that one, it was reassuring, it meant something to her, there were other scents clean, floral, sometimes sweet, she pondered them never understanding what they meant. Then finally she opened her eyes.

Eccedentesiast: Sequel To Redmancy Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang