Chapter 40

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One Last Time
Jaymes Young

Eloise POV

She wrapped her arms around Loki and transported them back to the castle, "Why didn't we do that in the first pla-?"

He started to ask as she stumbled, bracing herself against the wall.

"Get me to Bruce." She managed to gasp, Loki gathered her in his arms quickly taking her to Bruce's room, entering without knocking.

"Whats u-? Oh no. Alright lay her down right here. Bucky grab two of them, I know we haven't run the numbers but I don't think we have time."

Bruce and Bucky raced around as Loki laid her down, "Sorry kid, move her hair," Bruce instructed Loki, holding his hand out for the injections Bucky held in his hands.

"Alright quick pinch,"

Eloise felt the burn of the injections in her neck as her vision swam into focus, as she blinked and looked up at Loki, Bruce, and James anxious faces.

"Awww if it isn't some of my favorite people in the world."

She managed to give them a half smile, already trying to push up into a seated position.

"Not a chance, doll."
"Don't even think about it, darling. I will happily tie you down."
"No, Eloise you need to lay down. Doctors orders "

All three spoke at the same time. She laid back down, "You guys do remember I can just make myself disappear right? So I'm doing this of my own free will."

"Whatever you gotta tell yourself to sleep at night doll."

Bucky gave her his most charming smile, as Loki stroked her hair.

She closed her eyes enjoying the sensation while letting the medicine spread out into her system. 

"Sister, come. Representatives and councils are meeting to decide what to do about Thanos."

"Ugh, alright I'm up." She'd never really gone to sleep but she had dozed, listening to Bruce and Bucky talking in the background, enjoying the feeling of Loki stroking her hair and face.

She sat up and the room spun around her, she still struggled to get to her feet, only to have someone catch her.

"Thor she can't go in like this. Bruce what is going on?"

She closed her eyes again and willing her soul out, "You know I have to be there."

She opened her eyes, as Thor, Bruce, Bucky, and Loki jumped looking back and forth between her body and her soul standing before them.

"Leave me here with Bruce and Bucky, they can work on figuring out why I'm feeling so bad, because we have to deal with the leaders."

She crossed her arms and looked at Thor, "Just don't let anybody get close enough to touch me. I don't think they'd understand and we need to be ready. I'm guessing there's Thanos supporters there, so he's going to move against me if I say anything against him."

She felt Loki's grip tighten around her body and she tried to smile reassuringly at him, "Its alright, at some point this was always going to happen."

Loki POV

Loki followed Eloise and Thor into the great hall where there was already a great deal of shouting going on, Eloise  and Thor took their seats along with the other representatives at the front of the hall and Loki took his with the rest of the avengers. 

"This looks like it's going well." He sarcastically remarked to Tony and Cap.

"About as well as can be expected Rudolph. Half want to run and hide, and half wants to just give in. No one wants to stand and fight."

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