Chapter 71

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Eloise POV

The next morning everyone gathered in the Great Hall to hear Steve speak and so they could go over the plan.

Eloise was leaning against the back wall in sandwiched between Bucky and Loki, ignoring their snide comments to each other over her head.

As Steve walked in the room wearing his Captain America uniform and carrying his shield, she quietly sang, "Here comes the general."

Only for Bucky to elbow her in the ribs and Loki's questioning gaze to find her eyes, musical theater love, it's a song from Hamilton, she returned her gaze back to looking around the room, nearly every enhanced or gifted person they knew was here, all gathered to address the problem of Thanos.

"Do I need to separate you three? I swear the three of you teaming up is my worst nightmare."

Steve paused as he passed them.

"Sorry, Mr. Roger's I'll try and keep them quiet." She stiffled her laugh, and Steve winked at her before walking off.

"Look at that boys, that's America's ass."

Bucky made a choking noise that turned into a cough, as man suddenly turned around and almost shouted at her, "Omg, I was thinking the same thing, hi I'm Scott," his instant smile instantly made her smile back.


"Woah, your the queen they were talking about, that's so cool," then his eyes landed on Loki next to her, "Wow, you're Loki God of Mischief,  Thor's brother! Your cool too"

"and most importantly, her husband and King here."

She snorted as Scott's eyes went even wider, "He's very humble."

Steve cleared his throat, "Oops, sorry Steve." she elbowed Loki, who pulled her infront of her and nuzzled her neck.

"I am gonna make this as brief as we can. Thanos is coming for the other infinity stones so rather than wait for him to find them we are gonna fight this on our terms. We are gonna give ourselves every advantage." Steve paused a moment making eye contact with Loki over her head, "Loki has agreed to lure Thanos in by promising him the tesseract in exchange for the people of Fairy being spared the snap. Once he contacts him, we are on borrowed time, we need to assume he could be here at any moment. Once he is here, Tony, Thor, and I will be the initial strike team with Loki, we are the best chance to take him out then and there."

She reached a hand out to feel Bucky's metal hand grasp hers back anxiously.

"The rest of you will be stationed here, we will all have coms, when it's time, Strange and his uhhhh sorcerers, will open up portals for everyone. If that happens the goal will be to separate the infinity gauntlet from Thanos. Eloise is going to be doing her best to see the best way thru to win the battle."

"I'm sorry, see?" Shuri turned towards her.

"My sister is a powerful seer."Thor spoke up proudly before could answer.

"She will be stationed on the cliffs above the battle so she will have a better view, Eloise, I know Loki had concerns about you staying safe," "Over protective fool," she turned to him giving him a half smile, "So Bucky is gonna stay with you. Do you know what Thanos is going to bring with him?"

She shifted her sight, ignoring the gasps of those closet to her, looking at the battle, "Outriders, Chitauri, the remaining members of the Black order, Sakaarians, Chitauri gorillas,  and Leviathans."

As she opened her eyes she felt Loki relax against her, oops sorry I forgot to block you, "T'Challa, can you provide aircrafts to deal with the Levianthans?"

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