Chapter 27

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Duncan Laurence

Loki POV

Loki was seated in between Solandis and Jane in the Great Hall they had been directed to once they had returned, he dejectedly watched as the hall filled with representatives from across the nine realms, Thor was seated up on a diasis with the other representatives that headed each realm, so far only Eloise had not taken her seat. "So Reindeer games, scale of 1 to fire breathing dragon how much trouble are you in?" Tony asked from across the table, "She saw him?" Nat added, "Please tell me she didn't even scratch you, I've got $10 riding on this. Clint thinks her temper will get the best of her this time." Bucky smoothly slid into an empty seat in between her and Steve, "She only missed because his horse stepped to the side at the right moment."

Loki's hands clinched at Bucky's words, "Daddy..."Solandis yanked on his arm looking up on the diasis. "Look," Eloise was standing in front of the table, her long curls of hair loose with braids with rubies and gold ribbons threaded thru on the underside of her hair that glittered when she moved her head, a small gold circlet around her forehead, her shoulders back and her chin up, her dress was off the shoulder showing off her milky skin, in contrast with the black to burgundy silk of the dress, her sleeves trailing the ground, the skirt flowing gracefully around her feet, "Welcome representatives of the Nine Realms to Fairy, I am Eloise Queen of Fairy and last of the Fae," she gave a graceful nod looking around the room a slight smile on her face, "Honored guests, I am sure everyone is famished so I will keep my remarks to this. Let the feast begin." She clapped her hands twice and food and drink appeared in front of everyone, there rose a cheer from everyone and she gracefully nodded and walked behind the table to her chair where a maid pulled her chair out for her as everyone began to eat and drink.

"I'll give her one thing, she knows how to throw a party." Tony added, leaning back in his chair after they had long stopped eating, Loki's eyes wandered again up to Eloise, she had turned slightly towards Thor and she was nodding and listening to him speaking to the dwarf representative, her hand curled under her chin. As if sensing his eyes on her she glanced down at him, her smile vanishing and her friendly eyes seemingly turning to blocks of ice. "You are in trouble." Bruce looked back and forth as neither broke their stare. "Uhhh, yes. I may have said somethings today that made things worse." Bucky snorted into his goblet, "You have no idea."

"Solider I would advise you stay out of what is between my wife and I, if you want don't want to loose another arm." "Daddy why would you threaten Uncle Bucky?" Solandis's big eyes rounded on Loki. "Yeah Daddy why are you threatening Uncle Bucky?" Tony repeated with a big grin, Jane picked up Solandis, "Perhaps it's time for bed." After Solandis and Jane had excited the great hall, Loki answered, staring daggers at Bucky, "Just making sure that Uncle Bucky doesn't try to become Daddy James." He had just finished the sentence when a hand clawed its way into his hair and yanked his head back painfully, and his eyes met Eloise's icy glare. "They have called for dancing and the representatives with spouses are to go first." She gave his hair an extra hard yank before letting go, "If you can drag yourself away from picking fights with that malicious tongue of yours." She turned around waiting for him to join her, "And what if I don't join you?" He said still facing Bucky who grinned at him and for the briefest second his own face flashed over Bucky's, "then I am sure James would be more than willing to accompany me in your stead. 3, 2, -." "Alright." He turned around and grasped her hand with more force than necessary, he heard Bucky growl lowly. "Tell your pet to back off.  " he hissed a smile plastered on his face as he lead her to the center of the room next to Jane and Thor. She stepped into his arms, her scent wafting to him, amber and champagne, he leaned in to smell her hair, briefly he revealed in her touch and her scent, wanting to drink her in when suddenly she brought her heel down on his foot. "Everytime you call him my pet I will step on your foot." She smiled up at him looking to everyone else like a woman in love, but he knew that smile, she meant to make him pay. The music swelled and he twirled her around the floor gracefully, waiting till she looked slightly hostile to lift her, "And what about you my darling, is he tending to your every want, your every need?" Her eyes widen as she looked down at him when he called her his darling, then she smiled wrathfully at him as he sat her down, her hands inching towards his throat. "I've wanted for nothing." She hissed when Thor spun Jane towards Loki and yanked Eloise away, "I would like a dance with my sister." and spun her away from him.

"Why are you provoking her?" Jane whispered as Loki wove them gracefully thru the other partners on the floor. "I don't know. I suppose that I've never seen her this angry that she doesn't immediately explode. I guess I'm trying to make her go off so we can get to the making up part of this. I'm good at the making up part." "Ugh. I don't want details." Jane quickly scanned for Thor who was leading Eloise back to her chair. "Whew, disaster averted. Please tell me you felt her hands going for your throat cause that was obvious to us." Loki nodded and have a slight bow, leading her back to Thor. Loki took his seat back, glancing up at Eloise who was rubbing her temples. She's getting tired, when he heard several people gasp and the music halt, Thor's hammer whooshed past him as he turned to see what had drawn everyone's attention.

It was the man who had confronted Loki and Eloise at the Renaissance Fair.  He'd exchanged his sweater for a leather jacket, as he non-chilantly walked straight for Eloise who had remained seated but regarded him as something distasteful. "I'm sorry to have missed the feast my queen, I was delayed." He stopped just before he reached Loki, giving her a bow with a flourish never taking his eyes off her. "Then please go and join your delegation and enjoy your evening." She nodded giving an air of dismissal when he spoke again. "I am afraid there is no delegation of the fae other than yourself you highness."

Eloise POV

Eloise watched as every eye turned to see her response, "Explain yourself," she ordered, the dark haired stranger  bowed his head again, "Yes my queen, long ago, when the last of our people were being slaughter my mother hid me away and I managed to stay hidden alone in the fae forest till some 40 years ago, your father Avery discovered me. I considered him a great friend and mentor your highness, I was grieved to hear of his passing, but over joyed to hear of your own return." She eyed him with distrust, she glanced at Loki, he shook his head, he wasn't lying. "Your highness I know it is hard to believe but I would happily prove the truth of my heritage to you." He held out his hand to her, "Very well," getting to her feet, she jerked her head at Thor, who flanked her as she desended the diasis and walked to the stranger who still held his hand out.  Once she reached him, she held her hand out above his, her own dark magic glittering in her hand when flaming red came forth out of his hand, their magics twisting around each other till hers engulfed his. "And what is it you wish?" He grabbed her hand again before she could pull it back, "Nothing but to serve you my queen." He purred as he brought his lips to her hand. "I must give this matter some thought, tomorrow you shall meet with the council." She gave him a little wave of dismissal before turning around, giving Loki a wide eyed glance before vanishing.

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