Chapter 47

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Skye Boat Song-Outlander Main (Extended Version) theme

Loki POV

Evening had set in and Loki was trying reading a book Eloise had given him on the Fae, when he heard a knock at the door and Thor opened the door without waiting for him to answer.

Loki could tell him was trying to control his emotions, his face hiding something, "Brother, is what wrong?"

Loki felt fear grip him as he watched Thor try to speak as tears started to spill on to his face, "I do not know how to say this... Brother know I share you grief and we will have our vengeance,  she was as much a sister to me as she was a wife to you. "

Loki stood up, his mind numb to what Thor was trying to tell him, pushing away the very idea.

"Say it, Thor, I need you to say it."

He felt his hands flex as his brother spoke, his teeth gritted as his mind screamed that it could not be true.

"Gamora brought her body back Loki, Thanos murdered her when he demanded she bring Solandis to him to be raised as a daughter of Thanos. Eloise is dead."

Thor grabbed him and crushed him to him openly weeping as Loki magic destroyed everything around them.

You failed for the second time to protect what was yours,  failure failure failure FAILURE, "BROTHER!"

Loki felt Thor shaking him, when he realized he was wordlessly screaming as the voice he hadn't heard in so long spoke to him again.

"Take me to her."

Thor pulled him up and grabbed him in under his arms, holding him steady.

It felt like an eternity but they reached a small room in the back of the library, the door swung open.

He looked everywhere but the body on the table.

Bruce was standing next to her with a bloody rag over a bowl, Gamora was standing in the far corner openly crying, Bucky was sitting at the end of the table, absent-mindedly stroking her hair.

He finally looked her over as he walked forward without meaning to, she had a single stab wound to her heart, the iron collar that had rested for so long on her neck was on the table next to her broken in two.

He took her hand, and placed his hand over the wound knitting the skin back together, he wouldn't let her body be left marred.

"Tell me what happened."

He said quietly to Gamora, who wouldn't meet his eyes, when she didn't answer, he screamed.


"Thanos wanted her to being Solandis to him, she refused. He used the realty stone on her so when she tried to stab him, sh- she stabbed herself."

Gamora stammered thru her tears, "She made me promise to bring her body back. As soon as Thanos left the room, I grabbed her, she managed to open a portal just before she died."

Bucky slowly got to his feet and embraced her.

"You need to tell him."

Bucky looked at Bruce over Gamora's shoulder as Loki gently stroked her face, "Loki, the iron from the collar was making her sick, poisoning her, her body was failing. I'd been trying to weeks to keep her going but she was struggling, she wouldn't have lasted even another few days."

Loki could only nod at his words and stare at her face.

3 days later

Loki POV

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