Chapter 68

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Loki POV

Loki circled the spot on the map of where Thanos would be.

"She's certain and I would agree from what I saw."

Steve, Thor, Tony, and Bucky were all standing around a table staring down at the map as Loki spoke.

"Its a good position, no where for us to bogged down in and nowhere near civilians."

"Its a solid plan, you said the chitari will be there?"

Steve's brow furrowed as he spoke,

"Yes, her vision definitely showed them there and other of his minions. We'll need ally we can get."

"Buck, can you go back to Avengers Campus and contact Wakanda, see if T'Challa would be willing to visit so we can plan? We dunno how much warning we are gonna get."

Bucky nodded, "Shuri will probably come too, she's been begging to come for a visit."

Loki raised an eyebrow in question, not wanting to ask, "Trust me, we want them on our side, even if T'Challa is dressed like a cat." Bucky explained.

"I seem to recall that found guy dressed like a cat absolutely terrifying." Steve gave Bucky a cheeky grin.

"Well you would too if he tried to claw your face off." Bucky shrugged as he spoke.

"So where's Mrs. Mischief tonight? She's usually wants to be in on these powwows."

Tony leaned over the map changing the subject.

"After our scouting mission she was overly tired, so I sent her to bed and came myself."

"Hmmm unusual though that she's being so docile about it."

Bucky snorted behind Tony.

"Is something funny Barnes?"

Bucky gave Loki a quick sarcastic grin, "If you really think she is just gonna stand back, sitting at home bare feet in the kitchen pregnant, you are in for a rude awakening."

"I'll take money on that bet. What do you say one armed wonder, $5 says she manages to convince Rock of Ages to let her be there?"

"I'll put $5 down says she ends up fighting."

Loki glared at Tony and Bucky who remanded non-plussed by his attempted intimidation.

Thor slapped Loki on the arm, "Brother you should allow her to fight, Eloise is a fine warrior and her magic is even stronger than yours, she isn't far enough along that-"

Loki slapped his hand over Thor's mouth as Tony gave Loki a big grin, "I knew they were doing the horizontal mambo, I saw the kisses you left behind in her neck the day she fought dark and stabby lite," he nudged Bucky in the side.

"Congratulations, we needed another Avengers baby around, cause honestly Pepper is not gonna be convinced without having a squishy fae/human/asgardian/frost giant baby to hold. I am serious though, congratulations."

"Wait Eloise is pregnant? I can't on good conscience have her fight. I was going to talk to you about considering letting her but not while she's pregnant."

Loki felt a surge of gratitude towards Steve, "Its not often we find ourselves aligned on the same side Steve, but thank you for helping me protect her."

Steve nodded before walking off, while Bucky gave another snort of laughter, "Again Barnes?"

"Whats funny is you both thinking she'll give a damn about either of your opinions if she needs to step in."

Loki couldn't help but silently admit Bucky knew her too damn well as he set off following Thor.

He had a bone to pick with his big brother.

"Brother I think we need to have a little chat about you and my wife and helping her rip out her heart." Loki followed Thor into his room.

"Ah I see she told you."

"You should have told me years ago."

"She asked me not to and with good reason. I made sure it was safe brother."

"Still, brother," Loki let the distain drip into his tone of voice, "I wish you would have told me."

Thor sighed before turning back to Loki, "I am sorry Loki, but looking back what would telling you have done anything but hurt you. You couldn't have stopped her, the knowledge would have only caused you pain."

Shocked, Loki stopped walking.

"You were protecting me?"

"Of course, I failed to protect you before, from father's favoritism. I will not fail to protect you again brother."

Thor clapped his hand on Loki's shoulder, "Now before you go getting sententimental on me, go find that wife of yours and get some sleep. I need her to take me to Nevidiliar tomorrow."

Loki slipped into his room, quietly stripping while his eyes were glued on Eloise's form underneath his blankets.

Today had been such a revelation, finally everything fit into place for everything she had done.

A beam of moon light illuminated her face, he felt as if his heart would burst.

"Quit staring at me ya creepy bugger and get over here."

She spoke with a slight smile, her eyes still closed.

He shook his head smilingly widely at her before he climbed up her body and pulled her flush with him, burying his head in her hair.

"Loki," she playfully whined, "I'm trying to sleep."

"I know my darling. I just missed you is all."

She practically purred with contentment as he got under the covers and snuggled closer to her.

"So, not to ruin the moment but I may have accidentally let it slip to Tony and Steve about the pregnancy. "

Eloise groaned, "Please don't be mad darling."

"Mmmmmm not mad Loki. Sleeping. Busy day tomorrow."

His interest peaked, "What did you see my darling?"

She rolled over to face him, opening one eye, which stared exasperatedly, "I swear I will knock you out if you don't let me sleep. Allies are coming tomorrow."

Her one eye closed as she draped her arm over his hip to hold him close.

"Oh one other thing love," a surprisingly feral snarl ripped from her throat, "Thor needs to go to Nevidiliar to see Etiri about a new hammer."

"Talk to me in the morning when I am awake."

He kissed her brow, letting her nestle into his arms where he could hold on to her all night.

"I love you my darling."

"Shut up Loki... I love you too."

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