Chapter 17

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Running with the wolves

Eloise POV

She was running as soon as she hit the ground in Fairy, a full moon illuminating her path thru the forest. She ran as fast as she could, her hair streaming behind her, trying to out run her panic. Her lungs burned as she flew over the ground, suddenly she was surrounded by wolves, they were running with her, howling at the moon. She screamed as she ran, pouring all the screams she never allowed to pass her lips when she was tortured, the wolf pack matching her tortured screams with their howls. She slowed her pace so they could keep up with her, her face burning with the cold and with the tears streaming down her face.

She briefly felt Solandis reach out and she struggled to keep her panic away from her, telling her she would see her in the morning before she had to return to Fairy. She raced thru glenns, over hills, thru valleys, she fell several times, but she was always back on her feet before she'd missed a step, surrounded by her pack for the night. Slowly as dawn began to break she slowed down, taking in the dawn light, trying the breath deeply. As she stopped the wolves encircled her. "Thank you for your kindness tonight for not letting me go thru that alone." She thanked them, several came up and butted their heads against her hand before slowly disappearing into the forest. Only the largest wolf remained, feet from her, staring at her with unusual chocolate brown eyes that were too intelligent for a wolf's. Suddenly the wolf threw its head back and howled before running off into the forest. She transported herself back to the woods near Avengers Campus.

Loki POV

Loki woke up to Solandis jumping on the bed next to him, "Daddy, Daddy, DADDY! Mommas back!" Finally roused him, as Solandis raced out of the room. He groaned, wondering what sort of mood she would be in. Eloise was sitting on a stool in front of Bucky and Bruce looking vaugly amused and they looked her over, she was covered in scratches and bruises on any exposed skin, her hands and knees both had scrapes and cuts, her shirt torn and ripped in places, and her hair was a wild mess with leaves stuck in it.

"What in the heck did you do doll?" Bucky held her face, tilting her head looking at a nasty bruise on her check. "I ran with the wolves. It was exhilarating." Her voice was raw and gravely, she looked tired but relaxed, at least till she saw Loki. "Are you OK?" He asked, "Fine," she snapped at him glaring in his general direction. "So, were having a party tonight, and you will stay for it, please please please please please pleaseeeeeeeeeee?" Tony begged her from across the room. "Ugh fine. Jesus Christ Stark your so needy!" She threw her hands up. He kissed her cheek as he walked over to Loki, "Ok rock of ages, I sent you two out to make nice and get back together and instead she comes back having spent the night running with literal pack of wolves rather than be around you and she looks pissed and you look guilty. What did you do?" Tony whispered to him, both watching Bucky start picking leaves out of her hair. "I mean don't get me wrong feral  is a great look for you," Tony raised his voice so Eloise could hear him. "I said something careless and I think it triggered a panic attack in her." Loki whispered back to Tony. "You forget Tony, I'm only half human, maybe my more natural state is more one with nature." She ignored Loki as Bucky now had now found a brush and was trying to make some headway in detangling her hair. "Here let me," he stepped up taking the brush from Bucky. "Your funeral." Bucky winked at Eloise as he walked away. "Hey, no blood in my house, if you're gonna kill him, do it outside." Tony added, while Loki looked over the tangled mess that was her hair, "Come on," he tugged at her arm, "we both know you are gonna need your hair wet for me to get all those tangles out."

Suddenly he was submerged under an icy spray of water, he looked over at Eloise tried maintaining her glare while she reached over to turn on the hot water, before a smile broke over her face and she started laughing, till she was clutching her side, tears rolling down her face. "Glad you think this is so funny," his eyes glinting with mischievous intent, he grabbed her pulling her under the now slightly warmer water with him, drentching both of them fully dressed. "I mean your expression was pretty funny." She grinned up at him, "Will you let me apologize now?" He asked, loosen his grip to let her run if she want to. She sighed, and leaned her head into her chest, "I know you didn't mean what you said. I forgive you. Just understand keeping Thanos from breaking me doesn't mean he doesn't get in, just means I refuse to let him see it. So for God's sakes, don't say something like that even in jest again."

He carefully stripped her clothes and his own, and helped her wash the dirt from the forest off her, "So, you went running with wolves?" She bit her lip before answering him, "They kind of joined me, made me feel like I wasn't alone." "I would have come with you." He said quietly looking down, she touched his face, "I'll remember that for next time. I wasn't trying to run from you. Come on." She pulled him out of the shower, heading to their room, slipping on panties and a t shirt while he pulled on boxers and she pushed him down on the bed and sat on his lap handing him the hair brush.

Loki smoothed out the tangles of her hair, he realized how long her hair had become, it was nearly at her hips. When he'd finished her hair, she pulled him down with her and nestled in his arms closing her eyes. "Hold me while I sleep please?" She asked. "Of course."

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