Chapter 4

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Eloise POV

Eloise sat in the lake of crystals, letting the magic in the waters wash over her. Even with the waters potent magic, she was going to take more than a few days to heal from her injuries. Pushing Loki out of Thanos way while being so injured had seriously drained her magic which hampered her healing. She closed her eyes basking in the sunlight.

"You look like hell sister." Eloise turned to see Gamora sitting near the shore, "Why do you continue to defy him?" Gamora asked, Eloise shrugged, "Its not in my nature, to be dictated what I will and won't do I suppose. I'm incredibly stubborn." Eloise fudged the truth, Gamora was Thanos's favorite adopted daughter, Nebula hated her, but Eloise wasn't sure where Gamora stood, some minions relished Thanos brutality, some like Eloise stayed against their will. "So why did you want to come with me?" Eloise asked, watching rainbows play on her skin from the crystals. "Wouldn't you rather be away from him? " Gamora answered with a rare smile. Eloise smiled back, "So you didn't want to join him either?" "No, he had my mother killed and took me away from my people in the name of benevolence. " she replied bitterly.

They sat in silence for hours, both alone with their thoughts, when Eloise emerged she handed Eloise her clothes. "You look better." Gamora noted, most of her injuries were well on their way to healing, she could at least move without wanting to scream now. "Its the waters, I can connect to the magic here, they say that Fairy is where the magic of the universe first began." Eloise explained as they began to walk back to their small campsite, "as a fae and as Queen I can tap into it and use it to heal, even increase my own magic." "How does it work? I mean with the planet is empty." "It isn't actually, were just in the parts that are just for the fae. There are a few cities, I even have a castle. I actually had planned to go tomorrow to announce myself. It would seem some of the mortal nobles have decided to get someone to pretend to be me and I need to get them out, if I want to take control." They reached the camp site and sat down near the fire. Eloise fidgeted and pulled at the iron collar. "I can loosen that if you want." Gamora offered, reaching over, with a gentle touch she loosened the collar considerably. Eloise took her first deep breath in what felt like forever.

"I don't want to be a monster like him." Gamora suddenly blurted out. "So why stay?" Eloise asked. "He'll find me. I was barely able to hide that I helped prevent him getting an infinity stone recently. " "You are welcome to hide out here." she offered, "Its kinda perfect. Its exactly where he expects you to be. You can do as you like." Gamora stared into the flames of the fire, "Actually if you don't mind being on your own I think I'll take off. I've got some friends I'd like to meet back up with. Just send me copies of your reports so were on the same page as far as Thanos is concerned." She said standing to her feet, Eloise stood to hers and reached a hand out, Gamora in surprise grasped her forearm, "Thank you... sister." Gamora quickly disappeared off into the woods.

Eloise sat back down and considered her options. If she had a choice she'd rather not be alone tonight, but she didn't think she should just appear out of nowhere to her friends or Loki again. Her having turned to dark magic and having joined Thanos had definitely made them nervous of her. I deserve a night out, grinning to herself. She quickly stood up and waved her hand changing her outfit to a a fitted black evening gown with crystals all over it, her hair swept back in an elegant updo and she made the iron collar invisible. Then she transported herself, vanishing in a swirl of grey and black smoke.

Loki POV

"Loki? Tony's on the phone, he sounds upset. " Jane called up the stairs, he'd just finished putting Solandis to bed. "Tony?" "Hey Rock of Ages, whats the princess of darkness up to in New York City?" "What are you talking about Tony?" "FRIDAY just spotted her on security cameras near the Broadhurst Theater. I'm headed to check it out. So you don't know anything about this?" "As shocking as this is she doesn't really speak to me, the last time I saw her, she didn't even look human." "Call you back in about 10 minutes. " with that Tony hung up. Loki paced in the living room with Jane looking on. "It seems Eloise is in New York City." "What for?" Jane asked looking concerned. "I have no idea, Tony is checking it out. He's supposed to call back with in 10 minutes. "

The phone buzzed after 7 minutes, Loki could hear the sounds of some mild scuffling, "Dammit Tony, I swear if you rip my dress... I've got her! Listen up you pretentious son of a bitch, I'm not up to anything. Sorry if I don't believe you since you joined the Legion of Evil. Ha aren't you original! Dammit Loki! I know Tony called you, tell him to get off of me before I hurt him!" Loki sighed and reappeared next to Tony and Eloise, who were in an alley near the theater, Tony was out of his suit, with his arms wrapped around her, while his suit stood guard. Gone was the deadly looking young woman from Asgard, gone was the bloody pulp from Thanos's prison, instead she was a vision, towering over Stark while in heels, she was covered from collar bone to toe in an elegant black evening gown, fitted all the way down till it swirled out from her calves, her wild hair caught up and slicked back is a perfect knot on the top of her head. "Dammit Tony let go before I make you." Her expression irritated. When she finally saw Loki she flinched, he held his hands up. "Easy, Eloise." He gently grabbed her wrists, "Tony let her go, I've got her." Tony released her, "You better not have wrinkled my dress Tony." She growled, Loki reached up with one hand, gently turned her face to him, "What are you doing here Eloise?" "Like I was trying to tell Tony, my babysitter ditched me and I didn't want to be alone. But I didn't think showing up unannounced up at Avengers campus was the greatest plan. Clearly I wasn't wrong about that. So I decided to come do one of my favorite things." She tried stepping away from his touch, but he didn't release her wrist. Tony surveyed her with distrust, she tossed a small clutch at Tony, "Check for yourself, all you'll find is a small mirror, a ticket to see Anastasia, and a lip stick. If I was really up to something, you wouldn't even see me." Tony rifled thru her purse, "She's right Tony, this hardly says don't notice me." "I just wanted a night off," she sunk down resting on her heels, Loki still holding her arm up, sounding depressed.

"Stark I'll accompany her." Loki waved his hand, charging his outfit to a suit. "Jesus Christ, I just wanted a night out to relax before I have to go overthrow the assholes who are trying to run my kingdom." Loki and Tony stared down at Eloise, "Wanna run that by us again oh princess of darkness?" "I thought Fairy was uninhabited after Odin..." she shook her head, "Portions are only for those that have fae blood or who are members of the royal family, but there are 3 cities and I have a castle, or rather will when I kick the assholes out whose tried to take over in my absence."

"Holy crap, you are a real princess."Tony laughed, "Thats it I'm out of here, I just came her to have a brief relaxing night out. Loki either you come with or you let go. Also Tony I'm not a princess, I'm a freaking Queen." With that she stood up, Loki following along, he grinned like a loon after her, he grabbed her back and pulled her towards him. He felt her flinch against him. "Are you still hurt?" He asked as she stopped to catch her breath. "Tony aggivated them when he grabbed me, am I bleeding again?" She turned her back towards him, "Not that I can see, are sure you want to still do this?" "Loki I'm going in are you coming with?"

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