Chapter 59

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Eloise POV

She chuckled to herself as the Hulk pulled her to her feet, she was dusting herself off she turned as the Hulk started to growl standing in front of her.

Leaning around him, she noticed Loki looking distinctly nervous, she yanked on the Hulk's arm, he looked down at her she waved at him to follow her, better find some place to try calming him down, Gods this will be difficult with Loki around.

He let out one final growl before following her.

She ducked into what appeared to be a large training room, perfect.

She laid down on the floor, the Hulk sitting down next to her, "Little girl sleep now. Hulk keep watch."

She nodded and closed her eyes, while she didn't want to admit it, as much as she had worked with Bucky, trying to prepare herself for this, she was exhausted and had the fighting and running and general chaos had absolutely exhausted her.

Aww shit, Bucky.

He would be worried when they came back and her and Bruce were gone.

She groaned, rolling over trying to get comfortable, she was just drifting off when she felt something light cover her.

Stiffly, she sat up a blanket falling off of her to see Thor and the Hulk eating breakfast.

"Ah Lady Calliope, will you join us in breaking your fast."

A wave of nausea hit Eloise hard, she shook her head no, opting instead to go find some water and a bathroom.

When she returned, Thor was leaving but he stopped and placed a hand on her shoulder, "Thank you Lady Calliope for your services yesterday. You were invaluable."

She nodded deeply before walking back inside.

She picked up her spear and slowly started going the Dora Milan's forms, her muscles straining and screaming after yesterday.

"Tiny Friend practicing?"

Hulk eyed her, she nodded, "Hulk practice too!"

He made a slow swing at her, she rolled forward dodging, she made a playful punch into his stomach, which he playfully acted like she knocked him down.

She giggled turning away only for him to yank her back tossing her in the air a couple of times, he set her on her feet.

She grabbed her spear, going thru several of the motions before Hulk made another grab at her, she side stepped and tripped him, she jumped up and walked across his back when a laugh caught her attention.

Loki was leaning against the door, laughing to himself, she gave a wave as a large hand snaked around her leg, "No friend stay, Loki bad, puny God."

She glanced back up as she hit the ground, Loki didn't look happy, either about Hulks words or about how he grabbed her, wiggling free she turned and walked back to the Hulk patting his shoulder, she turned back to Loki she gave a sympathetic shrug as the Hulk picked her up and sat her on his shoulder.

"Litte friend come. We leave now."

As they left the room she turned and gave a wave to both Loki and Stephen who was standing behind him.

She spent the next few hours calming the Hulk down, mimicking the touches Nat had shown her.

When Bruce had finally emerged she got him settled down in the small room she'd managed to find.

She tucked him in and went to walk the ship.

She cloaked herself in her magic as she wandered, she found the perfect quiet spot to watch as they traveled thru space for the next few days.

Most of the time she kept herself cloaked, she noticed Loki passing her alot, as if he was looking for someone.

Late one night, she had let her cloaking down, next to no one was up at this time.

She wrapped herself in a blanket to keep from getting chilled, she stared out as they passed beautiful stars and planets.

"So..." her heart shot into her throat till her eyes landed on Loki, who was smiling at her, "we meet again. May I join you?"

Eloise nodded, before she turned back to the window, "First time in space?"

Well fuck me, she shook her head avoiding his eyes, hoping he wouldn't be paying that much attention to her.

"That is a lie." Damn, "Lies are my specialty, but do not worry, I was mearly curious about you."

Eloise watched him quietly, waiting for him to speak again, debating whether or not to leave before he got too curious about her.

"Your name is not Calliope." She shook her head, "Perhaps, you could tell me your name."

She shook her head again.

"Very well, Calliope, it is then. Would you take off your mask? It might be easier to converse if I could see your whole face."

Time to go.
She stood up making to leave, when he reached out and he pushed her back, sitting her back down.

"Very well, the mask stays on. Calliope, I wanted to apologize for the other day. In the closet when I held you," Eloise started waving him off, don't bring it up I don't need you putting two and two together, "No please, I owe you an apology and perhaps an explanation, so let me finish. My... my... wife died two months ago, and you... remind me of her. For a moment, in the dark, it felt like I was hugging... her. I should have let you go sooner. I am sorry for holding you longer than I should have."

She listened to Loki, it broke her heart.

When he was finished she couldn't sit still, he would balk if a stranger out right hugged him, so she patted his arm sympathetically before sitting back down, and looking back out the window.

"It is quite breath taking."

She nodded and smiled at him.

He seemed content to sit in silence, when he finally dozed off she walked up, folding up the blanket she carefully laid him flat, tucking the blanket under his head.

She brushed his hair back from his face and pulled her mask down for a moment and placed a gentle kiss on his forehead.

She resumed her place, keeping watch over him.

"Hey kid," she turned to find Bruce walking up with some sort of food, looked like soup, she glanced at Loki who was still out cold.

She yanked her mask down and began to eat with relish, morning food didn't sit well with her but at night she was usually starving.

Bruce sat down next to her letting her eat, "This is surreal, rocketing thru space," she pulled her mask back up as she saw Loki's leg twitch before he rolled over.

He leaned up starting to sit up, his mouth open watching her and Bruce, when something exploded knocking her and Bruce over each other.

Eloise untangled herself from Bruce and began helping him to his feet, trying to calm him down while seeing his face start to tinge green.

A hand grabbed her and suddenly Loki was infront of her, "Hide yourself now," she started to shake him off when he squeezed her arm painfully, "You will listen to me."

He hissed at her, "There is a creature on that ship that is the reason my wife is dead, and I don't want you to fall to the same fate."

He looked terrified and yet utterly calm, "Find Strange quickly and hide yourselves, Bruce you are coming with me, I'm afraid we may need the Hulk again."

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