Chapter 70

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Eloise POV

Eloise rolled her eyes at Bucky as she walked over to him as he waited near a group of women all carrying spears surrounding a young man with a kingly bearing and a young girl who was grinning at her with interest.

"Your savior is here!" Loki distantly called.

"He's wearing the horns isn't he?" She asked Bucky with an exasperated tone.

"Yup, and to think you married that." Bucky teased her briefly, "T'Challa King of Wakanda, this is Eloise Queen of the Fae,"

"I think we can dispense with the titles, please just call me T'Challa."

He extended his hand and grasped it firmly, "Eloise. Welcome to Fairy, thank you for coming, I really wish we were meeting under better circumstances."

"I do as well. This is my sister Shuri"

Shuri grinned and gave a wave, "and this is is Okoye, leader of the Dora Milaje." Okoye gave a nod but kept her expression neutral.

"I am a huge fan of you guys, your fighting style is amazing. I'd love to train with you if we get the chance."

Okoye looked her over, assessing her, "Have you ever fought with a spear?"

"My mother in law taught me."

Eloise leveled her chin, a feeling of pride growing in her chest, "And she is?"

"Frigga, Thor and Loki's mother. She was the Goddess of Motherhood."

"Your mother in law is a Goddess?" Okoye finally lost her controlled expression, a smile breaking out on her face.


Eloise gave her an answering smile, "I think that would be fun."

"I agree, it gets a bit boring when you keep beating all the boys," She bumped Bucky with her hip, "and the 100 year old old men."

"So are you really a Bakhna Rakhna?"

Shuri looked her over with interest as Steve and Bucky began to monopolize T'Challa, "Should I know what that is?"

Shuri had an infectious smile, "Translated loosely it means Good Person, it's what we call Fairies."

"Oh then yes, I guess I am."

"Ha I thought that broken white boy was lying."

Bucky slung his arm around her shoulders, "Nope, she's the genuine article. No wings though."

"Keep picking on me James and I'll turn your arm pink."

She teased him but called her magic to her hand waving her fingers in front of him.

"Wow how are you doing that?"

Shuri grabbed her arm looking with interest at her hand, "Honestly I have no idea. But I'd be happy to show you sometime."

"Sister Eloise!"

Thors voice rang out from behind her, "Did Loki talk to you about going to Nevidiliar?"

"Errrrr, Maybe?"

She vaugly recalled Loki mentioning it in her sleepfilled haze, what about Nevidiliar? Why does he need to go there? She pulled at Loki's thoughts, I had hoped you'd remember, Thor would like to go to Nevidiliar to see Etiri about a new weapon, to replace Mjölnir, he answer her while he was assisting the Asgardians.

First of all I was sleeping and secondly that's a good idea, he has looked terribly lost since Hela broke it. Send word down to Elgin, there will be plenty of people willing to take them in till we can figure out the housing situation.

Eccedentesiast: Sequel To Redmancy Where stories live. Discover now