Chapter 6

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Eloise POV

She gave Loki a brief smile as she transported him back home. She changed her outfit with a wave, her armor appeared, she left her helmet off instead opting for her crown of raw emeralds, her hair braided with many braids running thru the main braid. "Warrior queen, not a bad atheistic for you, " Gamora said from behind her, "Was that Loki, I saw with you?" "Yes,"Eloise buckled her sword to her side. "Did you have a nice time with your friends?" She asked, Gamora nodded buckling on her own sword. "Ready to take back my kingdom?"

Loki POV

Loki was studying the ring when Solandis came tearing up the stairs, "Daddy! Daddy! Daddy! DADDY!" She was waving a piece of paper in her hand. "I FOUND THIS IN A ROSE BUSH!" He took the paper, it was heavy and sealed with magic, Loki written on the outside in a hand that was all too familiar. Solandis peeped up at him before running off.


Please let everyone know I will be coming to deliver the official summons in one month to Avengers Campus. I will also be informing Thor that day, so expect him as well.


He flipped it over, hoping she had written more but clearly this was not a personal note after last night. But apparently she had more than him on her mind.

Nearly a month later

Loki and Solandis were driving down to Avengers campus, Solandis in the back with Bilgsnipe. Loki was strangley nervous, he hadn't told Solandis that Eloise was coming. He strangley had no idea how to broach the subject with her, Solandis was sometimes a strange child, she was beyond smart for her age, she had spoken in full and complete sentences at a year old, she understood things well beyond what she should be able to grasp. Sometimes it scared him a bit.

She excitedly ran out of the car as soon as they pulled up running inside, she was treated as everyone's favorite little sister, adored and petted by everyone. He didn't worry about her here, no one would let her get in trouble.

He strolled down to Tony and Banner's labs only to find Eloise was already there, "Hello darling", she purred, kissing his cheek, he looked her over, her outfit wasn't what he would have expected to see her in, the top was entirely red mesh with a matching red strapless bra, with a matching skirt made out of what looked like a shiny plastic fabric with silts up both sides almost to the tops of her thighs. "What are you doing here? Your letter said a month." She batted her eyelashes at him, "Oh I got done early with the job that Thanos had me doing so I decided to pop over early. I couldn't miss a chance to see you early." Tony and Banner both shrugged behind him, good so it wasn't just him. Tony cleared his throat, "We got a message your brother should be arriving soon so perhaps we'd all better head up stairs." Loki nodded and followed Tony and Eloise back upstairs, to find Solandis playing with Steve and Wanda outside. Loki looked at Eloise she glanced at the little girl but didn't say or do anything and then went back to looking at the sky.

Bilgsnipe came flying outside barking and growling, Solandis yelled to him and he ran to her, she scrambled on to his back throwing one terrified glance back at Eloise before Bilgsnipe took off darting into the woods, "What in the world?" Steve said starting to jog after them, Loki glanced at Eloise who was still looking at the sky, she turned to him as the sky suddenly brightened, "Was that a hell hound?" She asked. Suddenly the bifrost opened and out stepped Thor and someone much smaller behind him, who looked at Eloise by Loki's side with great confusion. "Who in the hell are you?"

Something whizzed pass Loki, hitting Eloise, knocking her to the ground. He looked in the direction it came from only to see Eloise, her hair loose, in a black shirt with a breast plate on, sword at her hip, the iron collar plain on her neck. The other Eloise jumped up, only for the real Eloise to grab her with her magic, more black than grey mist swirling around her. "I am going to FUCKING END you this time Amora." Eloise spit as she reached her double, grabbing her by the throat, then they both vanished in a cloud of black smoke.

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