Chapter 51

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Loki POV

They watched as their ship pulled away as Hela was destroyed at Surtur's hand and Asgard exploded in a firey blaze.

"Odin was right. Ragnorak did come. Damn prophesies."

"I hate prophesies." Loki murmured, "Do not worry brother, there is plenty of room on Fairy, the Asgardian citizens will just have to recognize me as King." Loki said with a smirk, teasing Thor. "I'm kidding brother. Let's go home." 

The next morning Loki awoke to the loud banging.

Irritated that his slumber had been disturbed he tracked down the banging to one room.

He barged into what was some sort of recreational room where Hulk and Calliope were... his best guess play fighting.

He watched with amusement, clearly the Hulk was being gentle and she was giving it her all in a very playful sort of way.

He caught her attention just after she'd tripped the Hulk and she walked over him, giving a friendly wave just before the Hulk yanked her down, "No, friend stay, Loki bad, puny God."

She squirmed out of his grasp, gently patting his shoulder, before shrugging at Loki.

Hulk picked her up and set her on his shoulder. "Little friend come. We leave now." As he exited across the room, she did turn and gave him a wave again.

"The Hulk really dislikes you." Stephen Strange appeared next to Loki. 

"Yes, it would seem so. Why has he not changed back into Banner yet?"

Strange shrugged, "Calliope has been trying but it would seem that Hulk doesn't want to go back yet and I am reluctant to force it as we may need him on our side later on. He was quite reluctant to come out, it took Calliope quiet a while to coax him out since Natasha was out of reach."

"And where is the assasin?" Loki crossed his arms, most of the Avengers were out in search of new allies or seeing if old ones were willing to join the fight.

"Natasha was taking Vision to Wakanda. There's a scientist there who could remove the Mind stone without it killing him. That self same scientist was able to completely remove HYDRAs mind control from Barnes brain so it has a very good chance of working."

Loki nodded, after her death no one else was keen on another person sacrificing their life even for the good of all.

He shook his head turning his thoughts back to the girl, "Speaking of dear Calliope,  who is she really?"

Stranges eyebrows knit together in a frown,  "You caught that did you?"

"I am after all the God of Lies."

"Truthfully, I don't know her name, but she is supportive and wants to help."

Loki caught another look in his eyes, "Lie. Again. You know who she is. Theres just a reason you won't say."

"Its not my story to tell."

"But she can't speak."

Loki felt himself growing irritated with Strange and his lack of answers.

"Loki, leave it."

Loki summoned his knives, "Listen you two bit sorcerer-" Thor came up behind Loki, "Brother, leave Doctor Strange be. We cannot afford to be picky on our allies and Calliope or who ever she is has more than proved herself as an ally after today."

His expression was unamused.

The next few days passed quickly for Loki, he tried to find a chance speak to Calliope but either she was hiding out or she was avoiding him.

He was wandering the halls late one night, when much to his surprise he came across Calliope, she was sitting on the ground wrapped in a blanket, staring out of a window as they crossed the realms.

He was surprised she kept her hood and mask up, keeping her face hidden.

He moved stealthily, so as to catch her unaware.

"So..." she jumped and then relaxed when her eyes lighted on him, "we meet again. May I join you?"

She nodded, her eyes going back to the window, "First time in space?"

She shook her head no, but he could tell she was lying, "That is a lie."

She raised her eyebrow, "Lies are my specialty, but do not worry, I was mearly curious about you."

She regarded him cautiously, waiting for him to speak. "Your name is not Calliope."

Shaking her head she answered no, "Perhaps, you could tell me your name."

Again a no from her, "Very well, Calliope, it is then. Would you take off your mask? It might be easier to converse if I could see your whole face."

She started to get up, he quickly reached out and grabbed her sitting her back down.

"Alright, the mask stays on. Calliope, I wanted to apologize for the other day. In the closet when I held you," she already was waving him off, "No please, I owe you an apology and perhaps an explanation, so let me finish. My... my... wife died two months ago, and you... remind me of her. For a moment, in the dark, it felt like I was hugging... her. I should have let you go sooner. I am sorry for holding you longer than I should have."

He struggled thru it, but she waited patiently.

When he was finished she shifted onto her knees and reached out and patted his arm, before leaning back, and shifting her gaze back to the window.

"It is quite breath taking."

She nodded in agreement,  her eyes scrunched up as if she was smiling.

He sat with her in peaceful silence for hours, he actually had dozed off unbeknownst to him.

He woke with a start to find Calliope sitting with Bruce watching him sleeping, while Bruce quietly talked to her.

He was surprised finding the make shift pillow, as he sat up and started to express his thanks when one of the other ships exploded, shaking their ship.

Calliope and Bruce fell over, as Loki looked out the window to see an even larger ship illuminated by the explosion. 

Calliope was helping Bruce up and was patting him in a soothing manner, when Loki grabbed her and spun her around.

"Hide your self, now."

She shook her head, and he squeezed her arm harder, "You will listen to me."

He pointed to the ship now looming over them, "There is a creature on that ship that is the reason my wife is dead, and I don't want you to fall to the same fate now..." he struggled to remain calm and now scream at her.

"Find Strange, quickly if you can't hide yourself. Bruce you are with me. I'm afraid we may need the Hulk again."

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