Die For Me

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Mikasa x Hanahaki! Fem! Reader


Shadis assigned you to be partners with Mikasa for hand-to-hand combat. Of all people, it had to be her. The woman who you love and doesn't return your feelings.

You were in the middle of sparring until you felt petals rising from your throat. "I-I'm gonna go for a while-" Mikasa quickly grabs your arm before you could go.

"Why do you keep on rushing out of the training field? Are you hiding something?" Mikasa asks. "N-Nothing!" You answer before pulling your arm away and running to the bathroom.

You gripped the sink tightly as whole flowers and blood escaped your mouth. You were struggling to breathe. Your throat was really sore from all the coughing.

After you're done, you look at yourself in the mirror. If only I didn't have feelings for her, I wouldn't be in this state. You thought.

You only had heard about the disease not so long ago, when it was talked about around the walls, it became viral ever since some patients were diagnosed with it.

You heard a loud knock on the door. And you immediately cleaned the sink, since it had some remaining blood and petals. "(Y/n), it's me, Mikasa." You heard. "Come in." You said with a raspy voice.

The door opens and Mikasa comes in. She sees your weak expression. Your face was faintly red because you had a hard time breathing. "(Y/n), what's wrong?" She asks worriedly. "You always run away, and it seems that you always go to the bathroom once in a while. Are you supposedly sick?"

You shake your head in response and avert Mikasa's worried look. "I just - I just had to let something out." You mutter. Mikasa then looks at your hand with a flower. "What is that you're holding?" She asks, pointing your hand with her eyes.

You immediately hide your hand behind your back. "Th - This? Ohoho that's n-nothing." You stutter. "Did you pick it from the fields from outside the area?" She asks again as you grip the flower with your hand tightly. "If so, who's it for?"

"It's f-for myself." You reply, now squeezing the flower and now it's crushed, behind your back. And you held your urge to cry. "I wanted a flower... S-So I can have one for myself." You said, your voice was shaking. Mikasa immediately goes to you, cupping your cheeks. "Is something wrong? Are you okay? You can let it out if you want." She said, looking at you in the eyes.

You kept your mouth shut as tears fall from your eyes. You backed off, escaping Mikasa's hold. "Is something wrong with you, (Y/n)? Please tell me. I'm getting worried." She said.

It's now or never, if she finally knew my feelings and accepted them, I will cure. But if she doesn't...

You gathered yourself before speaking, "I'm suffering from a disease. I don't - I don't think I should be training anymore." You told her. But she didn't look like she believed it.

"A disease? Then you should've just told us, instead of just ditching training every now and then." Her voice had a hint of slight anger. "Just tell us the truth, If you'll stop training permanently, you'll get kicked out."

You let out a tired sigh. "I-I'm sorry if I'm upsetting you, but - but I... It's difficult to explain..." You said softly. "Just tell me. If you don't want anybody else to know, I'll keep it a secret." She said. "Just tell me, I'm getting really worried (Y/n). You know I care for you." She said, her eyebrows furrowed.

You bite the inside of your cheek, trying to grasp an explanation from your empty head. All you could think is Mikasa and your death, maybe.

"I don't know - I..." You scoff and look down as you fiddle with your fingers. "I cough flowers, Mikasa." You said, quickly facing her again. "What?" "I said I cough flowers - I - I know this may sound weird but I really do." Mikasa fcce didn't show anything. She didn't look shocked nor horrified.

"That's one of the stupidest excuses I have ever heard of. Just tell me what's wrong." She said, her voice still impassive. "That's not an excuse! Please. Believe me when I-" You felt the urge to cough again. And so you quickly bring your face to the sink and begin to cough as flowers and blood escape your mouth.

Mikasa looked at you with horror. She thought you were joking, but not even a bit of your words were you saying it was a joke. "You... You weren't lying..." She said, her voice slightly shaking.

She slowly backed away, but she knew that wasn't the right thing to do. She immediately went to you and rubbed your back as more flowers were going out of your throat.

As soon as you were done, you started panting heavily. You weren't able to breathe for a while as you were coughing those flowers. Mikasa then hugged you tight as you cried on her shoulder. "I... Want it to stop..." You mutter.

"Is there any way to stop it? What was the cause?" She asked faintly. "Do you know what the hanahaki disease... Is?" You asked. "No, I'm not familiar with it, either." She pulled you away from the hug and held your shoulders as she made eye contact with you.

"What is it?" She asks. "It's a disease where... When you feel love for someone and... They don't love you back. Therefore, you start coughing flowers, like me." You answer, your voice shaking.

Mikasa's face went as shocked as earlier. "Is this because, you love someone, and they don't love you back?" She asks, and you nod as a response.

"Who?" She asks. "Huh?" "I said, who? Who do you have feelings for?" She repeated. You look to do side, blushing. It is now or never. You thought.

"You." You reply. She didn't answer and kept quiet. "I love you, Mikasa." You said and started crying again. "Me?" You nod.

"I'm sorry - I don't return those feelings. I'm sorry." She said. "I-" You were cut off by your coughs. You were coughing again, and this time, you couldn't breathe at all. There were too many flowers growing in your lungs, and now you couldn't breathe anymore.

You fell to your knees, not being able to support your body. Mikasa kneeled down to reach the same head level as yours. "I'm sorry. But, I love Eren. Even though I say I only see him as family. I have feelings for him." She said.

You couldn't answer. You were heartbroken and pained at the same time. "I want you to escape this cruel world instead of living on." She said. Your lungs were aching. And the last words you heard before you passed out were,

"Die for me," Mikasa whispered faintly. You slowly closed your eyes as flowers filled you up. "I'm sorry." She said as a single tear escaped her eye.


"Which of any of you has seen (L/n)?" Shadis yelled to the trainees. All of them shake their heads, or shrug, or both. Eren looked to Mikasa who wasn't making an expression at all.

"Mikasa, you were (Y/n)'s sparring partner earlier. Where did she go?" Eren asks. Mikasa clenched her lips together and held her urge to tear up.

"I don't know."

Mikasa Ackerman x Female Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now