'Innocent' Love

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Mikasa x Innocent! Fem! Reader

Mikasa was gripping on her spoon tightly, not daring to take a bite out of her food yet. She was laying a glare on Jean who was attempting to flirt with you. He was telling you corny pick-up lines, and that made Mikasa's hate on Jean grow every second.

While you were clueless and you didn't know what those pick-up lines meant. She hated how that horse face wanted to mess up your mind. She wanted you to be hers and hers only. And not with that ugly stallion.

"U-Um... Mikasa? Are you okay?" Armin asks. Eren looks at Mikasa, noticing her grim expression and gives her a concerned look. Mikasa immediately loosens her grip and her face turns impassive. "I'm fine." She replies.

Eren and Armin share a look before turning back to Mikasa. "Really? Is something bothering you?" Eren asks. Mikasa shakes her head. "No. I'm okay." Mikasa said. The both of them decided to shrug it off. What's the point in asking her if she'll just say 'I'm okay.' The rest of them listen as Jean told you his nasty pick-up lines, and didn't even care if you understood it or not.

"I wish you were soap so I could feel you all over me."

"I may not go down in history, but I'll go down on you."

"Is your name winter? Because you'll be coming soon."

Jean said, winking. You didn't understand that much but you were sure uncomfortable. Mikasa got up from her chair. She was enough of Jean's bullshit. So she walks up to the two of you. Mikasa gripped your arm a little too tightly and you wince.

Jean flinches and faintly blushes. "Oh hi, Mikasa." He said, smiling sheepishly. Mikasa's glare only becomes more grim which intimidated Jean. "Next time, if you tell (Y/n) one of your shitty pick-up lines again, don't expect me to not cut off your limbs unsparingly." Mikasa growled.

You also felt intimated. That's Mikasa, and she could kill anyone who tries to win you anytime soon. "So back off my girlfriend, she's mine." She hissed, and tightened her grip. "M-Mikasa! It hurts!" You whisper-yell to her. She turns to look at you and her eyes soften. She lets go of her grip

A little annoyed, Jean walks away, leaving the two alone. "Sorry, I was just annoyed." Mikasa said, sighing. "It's fine. Are you okay?" You asked. "I'm fine. Just don't let yourself be entertained by that horse face's weird pick-up lines." Mikasa said, feeling her blood boiling again.

You nodded but then make a confused face. "But I don't get his 'jokes'. What do they mean?" You ask. Mikasa smiles and playfully ruffles your hair. "You don't have to know."

Mikasa Ackerman x Female Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now