"Not really. Just annoying is all." Su clicked her tongue, letting go of the younger girls arm, which Kuvira frowned at. They stood there in silence for a moment as they cleaned up the blood. Su insisted Kuvkra douse it in cold water so she went over to the locker room, sitting on the sink counter and holding her arm under the faucet. Shortly after, Su joined her, leaning up against the lockers, watching as the blood was wept away with water.

"So.." Kuvira started, "you.. uh, you're with Bataar again."


"Its fine... Su. I told you that, didn't I? I mean I always suspected you guys were... whatever, but knowing it feels different."

"He is my husband."

"What am I?" Su looked the floor. Kuvira pulled her arm out from under the water and held it to her chest.


"A good fuck? You're... mistress?"


"Then what, Su? I have been really patient, and I have given you time and space and I never asked you to do more than spend the night with me. I never asked for you to label us. But... if this is ending, I need to know what we're ending."

"Who said we're over?"

"Come on, Su, open you're eyes. You're riding his dick again, we're busy trying to rebuild the earth kingdom. We work together everyday but we don't actually see each other." Su didn't respond, she just looked to the ground, swallowing her words.

"Kuvira I..." Kuvira waited crossing her arms. "I have to go to an Earth Kingdom settlement tomorrow, locals are making demands, and threats. I want you there with me." Kuvira scoffed, nodding.

"So you're just going to ignore me again? Bring up business like you always do."

"Thats not what this is."

"Sure, Su. Sure. Call me if you want something else." She pushed past the Matriarch, ignoring Suyin's longing look as she left.


"I don't get it, Bataar. She has the entire Earth Nation at her disposal, she can raise it to be whatever she wants. The people will listen to her, she could make the Earth Kingdom into a powerful Empire."

"I don't get it either, I've tried talking to her, but we both know how my mother won't talk." Kuvira rolled her eyes. Bataar had become her leaning post recently, he understood her ideas, not like Su did.

"It's going to crumble, and it will all come down on Zaofu, she'll see." Kuvira said, taking a swig of her iced tea.

"I don't know if it can crumble anymore."

"It can. Just wait." She said, looking toward the Zaofu domes.


   The peaceful negations at said Earth Kingdom settlement were not going well. Su sighed, for probably the eighth time, in frustration at the locals ridiculous demands. She could feel Kuvira rolling her eyes behind her, and it took all of her will for Su not to roll her own.

"We want provisions, enough for the whole town."

"And I told you, we'd be happy to help with that, but Zaofu can't just provide handouts. Or every village within a ten kilometer radius will make the same demands." The brute at the end of the table looked to the woman next to him and nodded. Su hadn't expected the brief audience with the local yesterday to lead to this.

"That won't work." He said gruffly.

"Why not?"

"Because we can't spare the soldiers."

TLOK Kyalin Oneshots NEWWhere stories live. Discover now