Chapter 2

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Adriana's POV

I smile happily at the completed work as the video finished up. I submitted it, confident with the answers and packed everything up. "Okay, I will let you all go early. Thursday we will start working in the little clinic so I test you all. This test is to show if you're ready to actually be under the doctors wings and go back over basic medical emergencies that some of you may have gone over in high school or the first couple of years here," she informed us as I began mentally prepping my study supplies in my head. 

"You're dismissed," she said as everyone pack their things and left. 

I really want to talk to her but I don't have anything to talk to her about. Just the sound of her voice relaxes every muscle in my body and makes my mind go blank. "Ms. Matts," she called as I walk to her with my bag in tow. "Yes, Ms. Morningstar?" I replied seeing her stare at me for a minute. 

I jump a little as I saw her eyes flicker a bright gold. "Are you okay?" She asks rubbing my arm. "Yeah," I mumble looking over her body, feeling my body heat up quickly. "You don't look so good," she says placing her hand on my forehead. I'm not going to lie and say that her touch made my knees buckle. 

"Are you done for today?" she asks and I nod my head. "This happened before, I will be fine," I smiled as she tilted her head in confusion. "It has?" She asks with a slight smile. "Yes, why?" I ask now confused why she is smiling. 

"Um," she mumbles biting her lip. I saw her eyes flash again making mines widen. "Look, just go home and get some rest," she says rubbing her temples. 

*Jasmine's POV* 

"I need to find a way to tell her without making her freak out," I mumble to myself as I watch her leave my classroom. The way her firm body was so close to mines made my mouth water and her height. Imagine what she can do once we unlock her being. My demon spoke with excitement. 

Just the thought of her taking me completely made my mouth wonder in hunger. It is a big risk to drain humans for my kind. Adriana is perfect for us, she can take us and fulfil our needs as I will fulfil hers. I felt my spine tingle and my mouth water at the thought of me using my powers on her. I began visualizing her dominantly fulfilling our needs, which led to a deep throb in my core. Stop thinking of our wife like this. It is working us up and you know we can not do anything. . . yet. My demon spoke to me as I felt my fangs pierce my lip. You're right Tati, she is just so addicting and her arousal is so intoxicating. I sigh trying to get the thoughts of Adriana out of my head. 

I looked down at my watch seeing I have a couple of hours to myself since I let them out early and after this class was lunch. 

I grabbed my keys and phone and locked the door to the classroom. A nice Caesar salad sounds good right now. I grabbed my keys, heading to my car. I looked over and saw some male look at Adriana worriedly. "A, you good bro?" He ask wrapping his arm around her shoulder.

I walk over to them seeing her sweating bullets. What is awakening her demon? I ask Tati as I see Adri's eyes flash to a light gold. I don't know, is she a hybrid with an angel? Tati asks but I quickly shut that down. It would be cool if she was but I would know already. I quickly told Tati as I approached them. 

"Ms. Matts, are you sure you're okay?" I ask wiping the sweat from her forehead. "Ye-yeah," she grunt as I look over to the male seeing him glance at me worriedly. "I don't know what's wrong with her," he says placing his hand on her shoulder. "She's burning," he mumbles as I look at Adriana. 

I bit my lip as she stare at me like I am her prey. I held her head in my hand and look in her eyes to see the gold hue lighten. That's impossible. I hear Tati mumble. How can her demon come at this time? Was she forced to hide her demon? I jump back a I see her iris turn to a shade of purple and blue. . . like a galaxy color.

"Go home," I mumble to the her male friend. "What? No!" He exclaimed making me roll my eyes in irritation. 

I looked him dead in his eyes feeling Tati take over. "Go home and don't tell anyone what you saw," I spoke in a hypnotic tone. "Go home and don't tell anyone what I saw," he mumbles as he got Adri's keys. 

I grunt as I use my energy to block out any camera that could see me and picked up Adriana. I carefully put her in my car and drove to my house. 

"There is  something way more powerful going on," I mumble to myself as I pulled into my garage. I look over to see Adri sleeping but she is still drenched in sweat. I turned off my car and look to Adriana. "Adri," I whisper shaking her shoulders lightly. "Hmm," she grunt pulling her arms through her shirt. 

I lick my lips seeing her barely visible six pack glisten in sweat. "Come on Adri," I say getting out of my car and help her out of the passenger seat. I quickly unlocked the door with my powers, pulling Adri to my bedroom. 

"Adri, baby I need you to look at me," I say seeing her iris flash gold and that galaxy color. 

Tati, link mom.


I paced in front of her watching her grip the sheets and groaned in pain. Or is that pleasure? I would tap into her mind but her demon might be trying to talk to her and that could mess up everything if I do that. 

"What's wrong?" I hear mom say behind me. "Adri. She. . . I. . ." I panicked wiping the sweat off of her. "Honey, that's just her demon trying to connect with her," my mom informed me. "I know, but look at her eyes," I panicked getting on my bed with her. 

She quickly opened one of her eyelids and gasp looking up at me. "Okay, she needs to sleep through this," she says as I look at her worried. "What why? What's going on?" I questioned placing my hand on her stomach. 

"She's is a hybrid," she mumbles as worried run my hands down her face. "Of what?" I ask knowing its not human or angel. I would have sensed it. 

"She's a hybrid of the universe. . . "

What do you think is going to happen to Adriana?

How will Jasmine (Ms. Morningstar) react to Adriana being a hybrid?

Is it time to introduce Jasmine's family?

Will Zayden remember what happened on campus?

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