Rafiki took a moment to think about it and nodded firmly. "Fine. I will do what I can, but I hope you know what you are doing." All on his lonesome, Rafiki took off into the night, determined to find the returning lion.

Nakala soon made it to the border and just like many times before he took a deep breath and stepped into the Pride Lands. He decided the best place to enter was the jungle. The night shrouded the environment in shadows, something the lion planned to use to his advantage. He was thankful that there seemed to be no other animal inhabiting the jungle at the time, no doubt because of his fight with Fuli. It must have scared off anything living in the area. His goal was getting through the jungle and somehow finding Rafiki without anyone else noticing him.

As soon as the lion took a step there was a loud noise above him. Nakala's gaze was upon the branches and vines high above him but there was nothing there. A few more steps and there was the sound of laughter, familiar laughter. Knowing that the one Nakala was looking for made the lion smile. He looked for any sign of the mandrill but there was nothing.

"Follow me..."

Nakala sharply turned around. Ahead of him were the creaking of branches and the rustling of falling leaves. The lion took off in the direction, now understanding where Rafiki was. He was jumping from tree to tree, trying to lead him somewhere. As fast as he could, Nakala dodged roots and tangling vines. All the while he was trying his best to keep pace with Rafiki. He was certainly faster than the lion thought but the creaking branches and falling leaves let him know that he wasn't too far behind.

He was led into a deeper part of the jungle that he had never been in before. The foliage around him became all the more dense and the moonlight above was completely blocked out, leaving the lion to charge ahead in complete darkness. But the sound of Rafiki's voice nearby gave him assurance to keep going. Further ahead there was an open clearing out of the jungle and the lion dashed through it. But he planted all four of his paws into the ground upon coming out of the other side. Ahead of him was Rafiki, holding his arms out and standing firmly in place.

Nakala managed to stop just short of the mandrill and looked beyond him to see that they were standing on a cliff. He was glad that Rafiki stopped him and the fact that he had a moment to catch his breath. All the more impressive, Nakala looked out to the land looking over the cliff. It was Hakuna Matata Falls. He could clearly see the massive waterfall pooling into the oasis and foliage below.

"Quite the view, huh?" Rafiki asked, coming close to stand beside the lion.

"Heh. It's just how it looked when I was a cub," Nakala smiled, looking down at the environment. "It was always the place I went when I wanted to relax."

"Rafiki. My powers are getting out of control. What if I hurt someone?" Nakala sighed.

"I know why you have come," Rafiki nodded. "Power like this can be a blessing as well as a curse."

The mandrill stuck his head out, just above the mark on the lion's shoulder. The symbol began to faintly glow, making Nakala wince in pain. "I can feel the remnant of Scar still living and growing inside of you."

"It's more of a curse if you ask me..." Nakala groaned as the light on his shoulder started to dim. "It's because of the Roar that Zira's after me it turned my own dad against me."

"All I want to do is protect the hyena in the Outlands but I might be the one putting them in danger... I don't want any more of them to die. There's been enough of that thanks to my dad and grandfather..." Feeling his heart starting to pound, Nakala began to pace back and forth. "Am I really supposed to protect them or am I just gonna be the one to finish them off? I feel like something inside of me is pushing me to do stuff I don't wanna do! I gotta fix this there's too much at stake!"

"Rafiki! What do I do?" The lion asked, desperately.

"Nakala. You must come to terms with the truth that this body is your own. With it you can rise above the darkness inside of you and even the prophecy set out for you," Rafiki elaborated.

"Y-you called me, Nakala..." Upon hearing his proper name being said aloud, the lion started to relax a bit. He took a deep breath and sat down beside the mjuzi.

"Nakala. When was the last time you talked to your grandfather?" Rafiki asked with a grin on his face.

"Not for a long time," Nakala admitted with a confused look on his face. "I can't talk to him. I'm on the side of those that he banished."

In response, Rafiki just chuckled and placed a hand on the lion's shoulder. "Nakala. It is time."

Upon hearing those words, the lion's heartbeat quickened in pace. Feeling a bit dizzy, Nakala dug his claws into the grass underneath his paws. But despite his panicking, he trusted Rafiki and had faith that the mjuzi knew what he was doing. Digging deep and gritting his fangs, Nakala started a growl that rumbled in his chest. Bearing down on it, he lifted his head and roared into the sky.

The scattered clouds above started to come together, swirling around one another. Nakala watched in awe as the clouds above stopped and parted to reveal the face of none other than his grandfather, Mufasa.

"It has been a long time, grandson. Hasn't it?" Mufasa asked. A chill ran through Nakala's body, it was much longer than he thought since he heard that voice.

"Grandfather Mufasa... It's good to see you again, but... You're probably disappointed in me."

Nakala didn't really know what he was expecting, but it certainly wasn't gentle chuckling. He looked up in surprise to see the spirit lion looking down at him.

"No, Kion. Or should I say Nakala? I am proud of you," Mufasa chuckled. "You fight for a noble cause."

"It was one of my regrets at the end of my life that I never reached out to the hyenas. If I had, they would have never joined Scar's side. Simba was affected by my actions from an early age, something not easy for him to make peace with," Mufasa admitted. "But I believe in you, Nakala. You can cleanse the sins of the past and usher in a new age of peace."

"B-but how can I do that?" Nakala asked desperately.

"The answer is you. You are the key to bringing peace. You're the only one who has a paw in both Pride Lands and Outlands. There are many who care about you on both sides. You can be the one to bind them together."

With those words, Mufasa was already disappearing behind the clouds, leaving Rafiki and Nakala alone to stand on the cliff. 

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