"Are you not going to share?" he mused, eyeing the bottle I just put down

"Help yourself," I gestured to the bucket, "It's a free for all here,"

"I can tell," he reached past me to grab the bottle. His movement was deliberate in ensuring he was in close proximity to me. He removed the lid and downed some, never taking his eyes off me.

"Good?" I smirked

"We can all agree that it tastes pretty shit," he quipped, "But we don't drink it for the taste,"

"Ain't that the truth" I laughed

"You've got a great laugh,"

I blushed, "Are you flirting with me, Alessandro?"

My inebriated state came out to play now and there was no way I could control what was coming out of my mouth.

He cocked an eyebrow at me and smiled, "Would that be a bad thing?"

"Not at all,"

There was tension between us but not even close to what I experienced with Giovanni. I shouldn't be comparing but I couldn't help it. The thought of him made me quickly scan the area. He must have left because I couldn't see him anywhere. Maybe that was a good thing. Here was a cute guy flirting with me and I was looking for someone else. I needed to stop and focus on Alessandro. Even if it was just for tonight.

"Can I buy you a drink?" he shouted over the blaring music, "I think we could both do with something better than Tequila,"

I nodded and grabbed his hand, "That would be great,"

I led him through the crowd and down the stairs. We had to slip through the main dance floor to get to the bar. As we made our way through the crowds of people, Giovanni caught my eye. He was on the other side of the bar now standing with Alonzo and Sergio. I tried to avert my eyes but he was staring at me. The way he was looking at me brought my body to life. There was something more to it. The desire was there in his eyes but so was the jealousy. Was it jealousy? Was he jealous of Alessandro right now? We made it to the bar and I could still feel his eyes on me but I forced myself to ignore it.

If he wanted me, he would come and get me.

"What can I get you?" Alessandro asked, leaning in closer to me so I could hear him

"Surprise me,"

His hand slid down to the small of my back and he rested it there. It made my body tingle but only because thoughts of Giovanni running his hands down my body decided to pop up. What the fuck was happening to me? Every thought was of him and our time together. He had me addicted and I didn't know how much longer I was going to last without another dose. I shook the thought away as Alessandro passed me my drink.

"Thank you,"

I brought the drink to my lips. I had no idea what I was drinking but it was great.

"This is pretty good," I said

That was going to be a problem because it was way too easy to drink

Alessandro leaned against the bar, "So, have you always lived in Barcelona?"

I shook my head, "No, I'm originally from London,"

"Ah, I thought I sensed a bit of an accent," he commented

"I moved here about five or six months ago,"

I couldn't even remember anymore. These past few months have felt like a blur and it gave me a warped perception of time.

More Than Once | THE WATTPAD DRAFTWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt