See You Around

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I am so angry and disappointed.

Of all people, Lisa would really do that. It's against the rule of all companies.
It's never possible when you're on a regular position and do the same thing with other companies especially if it's a competitor.

And of all companies, really, my father's?
She knows I am not in good terms with him. Why did she still push through?

She left me in the house.

I looked at the small box and opened it.
It's a beautiful white gold ring.
Even how mad I am, I still wore it. It fits on my finger and really looks good on my hand.

Then the book, I looked at every detail.

'Black Lullaby'-- the title.
And the book cover is her painting that I bought from one of her exhibits before.


My heart is starting to beat so fast.

I opened it and on the first page is her handwriting printed on.

"I am not a good writer yet, but they say write what you love. So, here I am.
This is about a dream. A dream who popped out and became a reality.
A story about a woman-- my dream girl.
The love of my life."

I got curious.

First page is as interesting as the whole book.

I went to bed and started reading it.

From time to time, I check my phone to see if Lisa sent me a message. But she didn't.

Read the book and it is so beautiful.
Well-written and thought provoking.
Just as sweet and mysterious at the same time.
Just how Lisa is in real life.

She's describing the Black Lullaby and why she came up with the painting. She's describing me artistically without any cornball adjectives and words. She is really good in writing!
She viewed here too how "Consequence" made her captivated by the author.
And then I slowly reach the page where she met her-- she met me.
This book is not just about a love story. It's something.

I am starting to palpitate.

Until I reached the last part where she
tells here about the anniversary. She foreseen the proposal.
How beautiful the girl she loves and how excited she is.
The last words are
"And now, I am in front of her. Proposing for marriage. In front of one of the best authors the world has. The woman herself. The girl who wrote my stars and led me to her universe.
Will Jennie Kim say yes? I hope she will."

She made the ending an open road and let readers decide how to end it.
It's so beautiful!

I kept crying. How I wish we didn't fight.
How I wish I trusted her on this.
So, that's why she won't let me read it.
I was torn.

I called and messaged her several times but she's not picking up.

I drove to her apartment, knocked and waited for an hour but she doesn't open the door.

The next day came and everyone's talking about the book. It was posted by bloggers and vloggers and in just seven hours, it's sold out.
The media has even called me to ask for an interview about the book and if the proposal really happened. Lisa has also gained instant popularity because of the book. People are crazy over having it republished for more copies. I even saw an interview of my Dad about the book and he was so happy telling the world that soon, Lisa will be part of the family.

THIS IS NOT A LOVE STORY (Author's Personal Favorite)Where stories live. Discover now