French Toast And Some Lit

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The next day, Jennie and I spent the morning with a jog. My fiancée really needs to do some exercise for her health during the pregnancy.

I stare at her and all I feel is joy.
Just imagine the world, having Jennie Kim with you, your girlfriend who is now your soon to be wife.
Then you get to think of the future with her. Still with her and with your children.
Life is so sweet and magical.
Lucky me? Unlucky you who's reading this.
Better luck next time. No.
I think she will still be mine in another lifetime. 😛

After we jogged, both of us decided to just grab some coffee and bread from the shop across my place.
The barista teased me as I am not alone today.
I introduced Jennie to him and all the staff.
They said, it's the first time they get to see me smile like I am the happiest person on earth.

We took a bath together and fixed ourselves when we came home.
She got some of my t-shirt and long polo from the cabinet. She's really into digging in my stuff and putting on my clothes as always.It makes my heart melt.

Can you imagine how good is this, opening the door of my vintage car, guiding the love of my life getting in? And here I am taking the wheels along French roads.
What a wonderful City of Love!

"Your car is amazing! I think we should bring it to Seoul when we get back?"
She said in amazement.

"Yes, we should. I will buy more. But I will prioritize your pregnancy first and all our child's needs. Need to secure the future, you know."
I said and Jennie chuckled.

"Okay. Then I'll be the one to buy your next desired vintage car."
She said.

"Oh no, love. Just keep your money and spend it whichever way you want."
I said.

"Lisa, I don't know what I'm going to do with it."
She added.

"Figure things out. Maybe let's do charity work too or create more projects? Let's create more books?"
I said and my love agreed and looked excited.

"Jennie, I already bought a house last week in Gangnam. Your sister helped me to purchase one. When you give birth, let's plan about going back to Korea. I would like to ask you if it's okay if my parents stay with us?"
I asked.

"Of course! They're your parents and mine too once we get married. That's good so we can take care of them. Why are you still asking me? That's given already and I also want to be with them. Hmmm.
Are you thinking to have sex with me in the kitchen but we can't because we're with them?"
She said and I swallowed my saliva while she keeps laughing.
Jennie Kim is really full of surprises.

"Love! We'll have a spacious room for that. Hmmm. I just want to ask permission from you. You'll be my wife and it's just right to know your thoughts too before I decide on something."
I said and smiled at her.

"Oh. Lisa, I really appreciate that.
We've already discussed that with your parents back in Busan, remember?"
She said and I nodded.
Who's so lucky again?

As I drive, Jennie becomes so clingy and I really love this feeling.
She keeps rubbing my nape and holding my hand when she had the chance. Kiss my cheek and keeps staring at me.

Our first destination is at Versaille.

I got amazed while we walk and stroll.
Jennie's really good in history.
She tells me everything in detail about the place.
Thank you, universe! She is my match!

THIS IS NOT A LOVE STORY (Author's Personal Favorite)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora