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Lisa's inside the coffee shop just near her apartment.
She's waiting for Jennie to come as they plan to go to Japan and have a vacation together.

Their flight's at four and Lisa decided to finally finish the story.

A lady came by and sat in front of her.

"Hey! Irene, how are you?"

"Hi. I have been looking at you while I was ordering. Thinking deep?"
She asked Lisa.

"Finishing the book I'm writing as I wait for your sister. We're going to Japan today. Flight's at four. I was thinking twice to go or not but she really wants to have some legit katsu."
Lisa said smiling.

"Oh. So, you write too? Can you tell me about it?"
Irene asked.

Lisa told her the story.
Irene was amazed. She's holding her tears back. She can't believe someone would write that kind of story for someone- for her sister.

"Publish it!"
Irene encourages her.

"Yes. But your sister keeps insisting to read it first. You know she can't until it's published." Lisa said while looking down.

"Then give it to me. I'll let Dad read it and for sure he will take care of it for publishing."
Irene offered.

"Really? Sure? Oh, my god! Do you think the Norman Kim would love to help me publish this book?" Lisa is still processing the possibility.

"Of course, Lisa. Who wouldn't? It's surely well-written based on what you told me. Here's my Dad's card. Send it to his email. I will give him a heads up right away."

Lisa nodded and got too excited. She sent it immediately.

Jennie came and she is curious why Lisa and Irene are together.

"Hi, love!"
Lisa stood up and hugged Jennie tight.

"Hi. Why are you here, Irene?"
She asked her sister.

"Just got my coffee and I saw Lisa thinking so deep. Only to find out she's deeply in love with you. Enjoy your vacation.
And Lisa, take care of my sister."
She said and Lisa nodded.

When Irene left, the couple also went to the airport for their flight.

They spent time together like kids who enjoy every bit of Japan.

Jennie also surprised Lisa on museum dates.
Lisa really appreciated it that Jennie never forgot that she's an artist and she has to see Japanese Art.

Lisa dragged Jennie to the camera place in Japan.
She bought a camera.

"Ugh. Why did you already buy one? I am supposed to give you that as a gift on our anniversary, love."
Jennie pouted.

"This is expensive. I don't want you to give me expensive stuff. And I want to take photos of you most of the time, my beautiful subject."
She said and kissed Jennie in public.

She then took photos of her girlfriend on the streets of Tokyo.
When they arrived at the hotel, Lisa uploaded it on her Instagram account.

Captioned it:
"Even my camera can tells you are the prettiest, Jennie."

After an hour, Jennie was bombarded with messages on her Instagram account. Lisa did not even tag her on the post.
She was shocked when she received a lot of messages. She didn't mind it.
But she opened her group chat with V, Tzuyu, Rosé, Jisoo and Lisa.

Rosé: Jennie, people are craving for some info on Instagram.

Jisoo: So, you too are officially dating now? Fyi, Japan's one of the best places to make love.

Rosé: Oh, god! Jisoo!

Tzuyu: Isn't it obvious? Even if they don't tell us the real score, I believe they're officially a couple!

V: Ah! Girl talk. Lisa, speak up! It's been a year you last posted on your IG. And now, look what love can do!

Jennie: What did Lisa post on her IG?

Rosé: Poor you. She didn't tag you. But how sweet! 🤍

Jennie: Wait! What are you guys talking about?

"Babe, what are they talking about on our group chat?"
Jennie asked Lisa when she came out of the bathroom.

Lisa pretended as if she doesn't know.

Jisoo: *sends a screenshot of Lisa's post*

"Oh! I didn't expect you're going to do that, love. How sweet."
She visited Lisa's IG and hugged Lisa tight.

"So, you're stalking my Instagram again?"
Lisa teased her.

"I have all the right when it comes to you."
Jennie raised her brow.

"Yes, boss! Take me!" Lisa pulled Jennie to sit on her lap.

Lisa sent a message on their group chat again.

Lisa: So, you think Jennie will say yes to me if I propose to her soon? 🤍💍

Jennie: Of course, I will. Do you also want to have a baby now? Drop your phone and let's make one.

Jisoo: Oh, shit. Are we missing something?

Tzuyu: Boss, say yes now!

V: I can't stop jumping in happiness!

Rosé: Duh! They're not even officially together yet. Or are we just not informed?

Jennie: 😘

Lisa: Catching that kiss, @Jennie Kim!

The couple may not be too loud when it comes to the real score between them to their friends. In fact, they haven't told them yet that they are officially together because they value their privacy so much.
They believe the most important thing is that they know the truth and and they are in love.

The whole travel was fun and and romantic.
Lisa is so protective of Jennie and she makes sure Jennie enjoys their time.
And as days keep turning pages, they've come to realize that they are so compatible in every aspect of their relationship.
Jennie was this cold-hearted bitch. A strict boss, but she's always soft when it comes to Lisa.
Lisa, she never expected she can give this kind of love to someone- someone she adores even before they met.

A message from an unknown number:
"Lisa, you don't have to prove anything. But the story really impressed me. Just letting you know that I am publishing your book the soonest possible time. Who wouldn't?
By the way, I have heard you're with Jennie in Japan now. Please take care of my daughter. Make sure her skin has no scratches nor mosquito bites when you two come back.
This is Norman."

Lisa's eyes widened and she can't believe what she just read.

When they came back to Seoul, they both stayed at Jennie's place for a while.
Lisa took a photo of the Black Lullaby from Jennie's wall.
She stared the whole time at her own artwork.
The artwork she loved so much and still she has this amazement thinking that the author of the book that inspired her to do this piece of art owns it.
What are the odds?

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