The Naked Art

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We're at the table with my Dad, Irene and other relatives.
Lisa has been so naughty. My god. I avoided her. But the situation really led us to sit side by side on the table. Ugh!
She keeps rubbing my thigh and getting in my underwear.
Jesus. If she keeps on doing it, I will surely get this steak knife in front of me and stab her hand.
I know, my face is surely so pale right now.

"Okay. Okay! Stop it! I'll give what you want later. Oh, my god. Lisa!"
I whispered. A bit annoyed. She then smirked and finally stopped.
She's making my throat dry.

My father released a fake cough.

"Is there any problem?"
Dad asked and I shook my head. This crazy human beside me keeps smiling.

"Jennie, I have to tell you something."
Dad called my attention again while we eat.

"Yes, Dad?"

"Are you still going back to Paris?"
He asked.

"Yes, in three weeks."
I said. Lisa looked at me in the eyes.

I asked.

"I am planning to retire next year. I want you to handle Kim Publishing International."
He said.

My eyes widened.

"What? No. I have my company. Let Lisa handle it."
I said and drank my wine.

"I am not taking the position. I am happy where I am. You're the one who deserves it."
Lisa butted in.

"Dad. I am not.."
He didn't let me finish.

"Please, Jennie? Let Rosé handle JK Pub. Or merge it with Kim Publishing if you want. Please. I am getting old. I want to have long vacations."
My father is begging.

"I'll think about it."
I said and looked down.

My father smiled at me.

"Are you two back together?"
My father asked Lisa and I.

"What? No. I have a boyfriend, Dad. Lisa has a girlfriend too."
I instantly answered.

"Then you two break up with your partners and get back together."
He said chuckling.

My god! What kind of family is this?

"I am always available for Jennie, Mr. Kim. You know that."
Lisa said vainly.

"When I asked you to get back to me before, did you show interest?"
I said and I am really getting upset. Our relatives looked at us.

"That was before. You broke my heart. But now I am okay. So are we back together?"
Really boastful Lisa whispering in my ear!

"Of course, not. I have a boyfriend."
I answered back. She's tearing my patience apart. Really.

"We know he can't give you something that I can give, Jennie."
Lisa is really getting into my nerves.

"Hey. Stop fighting. You two should talk about your love thing privately. You're like kids!"
Irene said chuckling.

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