Trembling Kisses

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I am signing some papers and contracts when Lisa came rushing to my office.

I asked.

She looks mad but stays calm.

"I told you don't buy me a laptop anymore. I'm buying myself one. I am just saving up."
She said crossing her arms in front of my desk. She's trying not to show me her irritable state but it shows.

I stood up and slowly walked towards her.

I sat on my desk facing her and we're just like a foot apart.

"I was the one who broke your laptop and I'm accountable for that."
I said. I don't know why my voice became soft.

Lisa shook her head and placed one of her hand inside her pocket and the other massaged her nape.

"I just don't want people here to think I am taking advantage of you. I don't want to hear them say something bad about you or else I might punch someone again."
She said looking down.
I blushed.

I smiled at her and she slowly looked at me.

"Why don't you just stop talking and kiss me?"
I bit my lip and pulled her shirt.
Yes. I am also surprised of my actions. But I just can't stop this force anymore. I really want to kiss her and I don't know why.

She's closer to me now and she lost control where to lean her hands. One's on the desk and the other is on my hip.

Our eyes could tell the we want another kiss because last night wasn't that long. And it was impulsive.

I placed my other hand on her nape and pulled her closer to me. While my other hand is on her chest, tracing her shirt with my finger.

I looked at her lips then back to her eyes.

I kissed her.

I didn't stop kissing her.

Finally, she's kissing back intensely too.

My tongue asked for an entrance and she welcomed me and she tasted my flavor.

Her hands traveled at my back and I felt she's squeezing my waist already when my knee rubbed her crotch accidentally.

Our kisses were so wet and becoming wild. Intense.
I am starting to moan when she kissed my neck.
She went back to my lips and kissed me like she wants to take me all just for her. I can feel her strength.

Fuck. She's hard. My leg felt it.

"Jen. Oh, fudge! I am sorry!"
And we were interrupted by a high pitched voice.

Lisa quickly moved back and went out of the my office.

I got irritated while fixing myself.

"Don't tell me that. I am supposed to be the one to ask you. What was that, Jennie?"
Rosé was surprised.

"What you see is what you get. Won't go into details."
I said and she shook her head.

"Jennie, are you starting to like Lisa?"
She asked me. I stared blankly on the glass window.

I sighed and spoke up.
"I-I don't know.
I'm afraid it's more than that, Rosé."

And I found myself staring on my glass wall.


"Boss? What's the matter?"
V entered my office with Tzuyu when I told them to follow me.
Shit. What just happened inside Jennie's office? Be decent, Lisa. She's your boss!

"Are you two dating?"
I asked them.

V nodded.

"Aren't we allowed?"
Tzuyu asked.

"Fine with me. Happy for the two of you."
I said.

"So, why did you ask?
V asked me.

I led them to my balcony and we smoked some cigarettes.

"I feel strange."
The two were already curious of what I'm saying.

"Enlighten us."
Tzuyu said.

"The boss. She is my long time crush ever since she released her first book and I got to read it. I mean, who wouldn't like her, right?
Now, I don't know what to do. We've been- we're starting to get closer since I started working here. I tried to resist, I swear.


We kissed.

And I- I want to kiss her more."
I said trembling. Taking in a lot of air as I can't breathe.
I lit another stick of cigarette.
These two are just laughing at me.
Damn. Man, I'm serious.

But I am so worried.
Am I crossing the line?

THIS IS NOT A LOVE STORY (Author's Personal Favorite)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz