

"Hey Bataar."

"I was beggining to think you forgot."

"Nah, just ran late. The Earth Queen's goodies would talk through the entire era of Korra if they could."

"Huh, my Mother complains about them often."

"Oh yeah, you should see her in there. Never in my life have I seen the great Suyin Beifong so bored."

"She gets it from my grandmother, or so my father says." Kuvura laughed, flopping on the rugged sofa adjacent to the table.

"Any new developments?" She asked, pulling her hair back and tying it up.

"Well, I went over the blueprints with a friend, he said the same thing, it just isn't possible."

"Why not?"

"Not enough energy in this world to fuel it, aside from the raw power of the Avatar state that is." Kuvjra chuckled, leaning over to look at Bataars drawings. She had always had a creative mind, and she used it to benefit Zaofu, but she wasn't good at the hard parts, actually putting her idea together. That's what Bataar was for.

"Well, forget that, I'm not calling up the avatar and asking her to blast fire into an engine."

"Something tells me she'd say no." Bataar added. It was silent for a few moments, Kuvira went into the barracks washroom and changed out her uniform. The end of her shift was always a blessing. When she came out Bataar had everything pretty much cleaned up.

"You hungry?" He asked. She felt a rumble in her stomach and nodded.

"Starving, you read my mind. Tak's place sound alright?" She asked.


"Imagine if the whole earth kingdom could be like Zaofu," she explained, "no one went hungry, everyone was trying their best. There was peace, and order."

"Well, you know how it is under the monarchy, all the money goes to the top." Bataar said, taking a sip of his drink.

"Forget the monarchy, it needs a leader that is willing to do anything for its citizens."

"Well, the Earth Kingdom isn't exactly pumping out citizens that are 'leadership material'" he replied.

"Yeah, you're right."

"Its a nice thought though, I often wondered why my mother never opted to expand. I'm almost certain Omashu would much rather partner with us then the Queen."

"Yeah, I wonder." Food was brought before them and they spent the rest of the time talking about their plans. Bataar was insistent on staying in Zaofu, but Kuvira had plans. She wanted to explore, see Republic City and the Fire Nation.

"You have nothing keeping you here? Really?" He asked, looking at her thoughtfully.

"Well I mean I have you, and dance, but there's so much out there. Zaofu will always be my home, but I wouldn't mind renting for awhile."

"Wow great metaphor."

"Thank you."

"Well," Bataar said, "dont be gone for too long, the 'Matriarch' will miss her right hand man."

"She'll manage." Kuvira almost choked at her words. She knew Su well by now, and she knew that the older woman wouldn't take her leaving kindly. It would only be a vacation, she would have.to make that clear."

TLOK Kyalin Oneshots NEWWhere stories live. Discover now