24 Hours - Jeonghan (Morning)

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(A/N: I decided to start my unit scenarios with the vocal team and 24H. Since the new year is fast approaching, I thought it'd be fun to do a full 24-hour cycle with different members of the vocal team. Jeonghan is closing us out with the morning after, so please enjoy!) 

You woke up spread out on the couch. Something hard was underneath you and it was way too bright.

It took a couple of blinks for your eyes to adjust and register where you were. You sat up and looked around to see that Jeonghan was lying half underneath you and you shifted away from him.

He grumbled in his sleep, shifting around to get more comfortable.

You didn't remember when you went to sleep last night, but it was obvious that most of the others had been right behind you. The floor was littered with confetti and streamers that had fallen down during the night. Dino still had one gripped loosely in his hand from his burrito blanket roll on the floor. Joshua was curled up in a chair with his face pressed so hard into the armrest you were worried the creases would never come out of his skin.

It only took a few more seconds for you to register that all the drinks the night before had finally caught up with you. You snuck around who you assumed was Hoshi lying face down in the hallway (his jacket was covering his face but you definitely saw him breathing so you figured he was fine).

After finishing up in the bathroom, you carefully picked your way back to the couch again. 

"Han," you croaked.

Jeonghan mumbled something in response, taking in a sharp breath as he stretched his limbs. "Why are you awake already?"

"It's morning, dummy. It's time to get up."

"No," he whined immediately. "Five more minutes."



And before you could protest, his arm closed around you and pulled you back against the cushions of the couch.

"If we stay like this long enough, Mingyu or Cheol will wake up and make breakfast."  

You sighed in defeat. "That does sound nice."

"Enjoy the quiet while it lasts. It's only for today," he mumbled, already drifting back to sleep. 

Like clockwork, Seungcheol did wake up within the next half hour and proceeded to make food. Within that same hour, most of the other members were awake too. The ones who had actually made it to their rooms the night before trudged down the hallway looking for the source of the smell.

Joshua went to wash his face almost immediately. Dino simply hovered around the kitchen with his blanket still wrapped tightly around his shoulders. You realized that the aroma of food really was like smelling salts to them, as even Jeonghan woke back up for it.

"Help yourself," Seungcheol said as he passed you a plate. You thanked him for the food and he smiled.

It was eerily quiet for a few minutes while everyone continued to wake up. Then Jun tried sneaking some food off Vernon's plate and chaos ensued.

Jeonghan was right - it really wasn't meant to last. 

Only a few hours after ringing in the new year, it felt like any other day around them. And that was how it should be.

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