Love Letter

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Joshua had become more outgoing since his time with his fellow members. That much was obvious.

But when it came to romantic feelings, he was still shy and uncertain. He was afraid of embarrassing himself if his feelings weren't reciprocated. It takes a big person to put their feelings on the line like that.

And you were pretty similar. It was obvious to the other members at this point that the two of you liked each other, you just wouldn't say anything.

They teased you mercilessly about it, but you were both very stubborn and refused to admit it even though you both knew that they were right.

Joshua called you over to the dorm one day to hang out as you hadn't seen each other in a while and he wanted to show you a new song that he'd finally perfected on his guitar.

You weren't sure which one it was, but you were always a good audience for him. When he actually had the chance to play for you, that is. Usually the others would invite you to play with them or do something else instead.

But the poor guy had been having a fit lately making sure that the setlist for the upcoming tour was prepared and that the songs they'd chosen were the right ones. So obviously him taking some time off just to play and practice his guitar meant that he had a welcome distraction, and you were happy to keep that going.

You got there and it was pretty tame. Mingyu, The8, and Hoshi were playing games way too loud. Dino and Seungkwan were practicing their rapping skills while S. Coups and Wonwoo watched. Vernon and DK were chasing each other around while Jeonghan and Jun were competing to take the better selfie. Woozi was nowhere in sight so you figured he was probably doing some work or something in his room away from everyone else.

You realized that Joshua would usually be out in the main room to get you when you arrived. Instead, he was nowhere to be found. He must still be practicing.

The thought had barely crossed your mind before you heard the sound of strumming coming from Woozi's room.

The two of them must have been in there recording trying out an idea for a new song. You debated going back out into the main room, but you knew you'd get caught in one of the other member's games.

So instead you opened his door and walked in, only to see Joshua look up from his desk. You frowned slightly.

"I thought you were in Woozi's room," you explained.

He carefully tried to move his papers around. "No, he just wanted to borrow my guitar to practice." He cleared his throat. "I wasn't using it so I let him."

"Oh," you said, although that didn't quite track. He'd invited you here to hear him play, hadn't he? Had he forgotten already? It was possible - he could be a scatterbrain sometimes. "Well, what are you working on over there? New lyrics?"

"Yeah, something like that."

"Can I read it? Or is it a secret?"

Sometimes being Joshua's friend had fun perks involved. Those perks involved getting to hear the early stages of a song idea or lyrics before they were actually produced, and then seeing those come to fruition later.

It didn't happen often, but every now and then you did get lucky.

"S-sure," he muttered, skimming the papers to see which one he'd decide to share. Even after being friends for a while, he was always nervous to share his ideas with you. But you didn't mind, you knew it was part of the creative process.

He handed you a sheet with multiple lines written on it. He'd been working on it for a while, and it was obviously still a draft. He had parts scratched out and other words interchanged for his original ones in certain places, but it was sweet. A letter to someone to express how happy he was to have them around.

"Is this one of those thank-you letters?" you asked after a moment. The lines weren't exactly rhythmic, but they were full of gratitude and appreciation, like one of those thank-you or dedication letters they'd put in the albums for fans to read.

He nodded slowly, reading the words over your shoulder instead of meeting your gaze.

"Who's it for?"

"Hmm?" he asked, suddenly looking up at you.

"Is it for someone in particular?"

"What makes you say that?"

You shrugged. "The way you wrote it makes it seem like it's someone important to you. But you'd never write this much about the rest of the guys, so it must be someone else."

"It is, actually," he said. "It's"

"Wait." You stared at the paper again. "If this is about me, then...this is a love letter. You actually wrote me a love letter?"


" I can't believe this! You really are such a gentleman."

He chuckled, scratching the back of his head. "So I guess you like it?"

"I love it," you assured him as you wrapped your arms around him. "And I've loved you for a long time, too." He let out a large sigh.

"Good, because I couldn't figure out how to tell you in person. I was going to send this to you but I thought it'd be weird, and then you happened to walk in--"

"Happened to? You texted me to invite me over."

He shook his head. "I haven't been able to find my phone all morning."

You stared at the two boys with an eyebrow raised. "I know one of you has it."

Joshua stood a little bit behind you, arms folded too.

Jun sighed, handing the familiar phone over to you. "It was Jeonghan's idea."

"You didn't have to go through with it," Jeonghan countered.

"I don't care who did it, just don't do it anymore," Joshua told them both firmly.

"If you two would have said something ages ago, we wouldn't have to."

"Well, it's taken care of now, so--"

"Taken care of?" Jeonghan repeated.

"Are you two dating now?" Jun added.

You glanced at Joshua. He was doing his best to hold his firm posture but one look at you and he was grinning like an idiot.


That night there was an impromptu celebration. Apparently the rest of the members shared that sentiment; it had taken you both way too long to admit. But better late than never.

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