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It was never easy for Dino to take time off from work. Since he was the youngest, he often felt like he had more to prove and would work harder and longer than the other members on things even when he didn't need to.

Even on free days he would usually go to the practice room and work on his own routines. He loved perfecting choreography more than almost anything else, and that really showed. So an actual day off for him was incredibly rare.

But today was one of those days. They didn't have any new choreography they needed to perfect. Woozi was working on new music but it was still in the early stages and wouldn't be ready for a few more days at least. And Hoshi had gone ahead and reserved the practice room to work on something already.

Most of the members were scattered around doing various things and he plopped himself on the couch thinking of what he'd like to do with this time off. Mingyu had already taken the car out with some of the other members (Jeonghan, Wonwoo, and Joshua) to go buy groceries, so he couldn't really go anywhere.

Around the fourth time of him sighing, The8 finally glanced up from the book he was reading in the corner.

"Why don't you go on a walk?" he suggested.

"A walk where?" Dino countered. He wasn't much for walking around aimlessly, but The8 only shrugged in response.

"Wherever you want to. Go shopping, go walk around the park. See a movie."

Dino reluctantly got up from his spot on the couch and grabbed a coat. If nothing else, it would be less boring than staying cooped up all day. He thought about inviting someone else to come but they all seemed pretty busy with their own things.

So he walked outside, picked a direction, and started off. He ended up at a clothing store and grabbed a new hat that he wanted. He wandered around the park but didn't stay long.

He did also stop by the movie theater but there wasn't anything playing that he wanted to see. With a sigh, he quickly kept walking. He passed by a cafe and thought about stopping there but he'd just be goofing off in there. He wasn't hungry enough for anything right now.

When he was passing by an arcade, he figured he could stop in there and play a couple of games. He won a few rounds on a racing game and then did pretty well at DDR. He left in higher spirits but still bored.

He rounded a corner a little too quickly and barely had time to stop before he came nose to nose with you as you came out of a store.

You'd been putting something in the shopping bag and dropped your phone when he came out of nowhere. You both stooped to grab it, him mumbling a quick apology.

"It's okay," you assured him.

"It's not broken?"

You chuckled. "No, no. It's been through a lot worse, trust me."

He smiled and nodded, grabbing his bag once again as he stood up. You did the same, moving past him on your way.

He walked around several more areas before finally getting tired and turning back towards the dorm. As he was walking, he realized what a nice day it was for a walk. Maybe The8 had been on to something with this idea.

And not only that, but it was a pretty relaxed day. There weren't a lot of people out and about like usual. It was a crazy coincidence that he'd almost run into you when he did. He hoped that your phone was actually okay. He would have offered to replace it if it was cracked.

He stopped to sit on a bench and tie his shoe. He wondered if you were like him - just looking for something to do today. Maybe you'd bought a shirt like him.


He glanced at the bag sitting beside him to see that there was a shirt inside. Not his hat that he'd bought earlier. Which meant that you must have switched with him earlier -- you had his bag and he'd left his card and everything in it.

Dino sprang to his feet, rushing back to the spot where he'd run into you, hoping against hope that you might be there.

You were nowhere to be found. He quickly ducked into the shop to think. The cashier glanced at him curiously and he approached, asking about the person that had bought this shirt earlier. She informed him that while she wasn't allowed to give customer information, she could try giving you a call and letting you know that he was here to return his stuff.

He nodded quickly, stepping away as he felt his own phone vibrate. It was Seungcheol, who asked where he was. Dino carefully explained that he'd gone on a walk and was on the way home, omitting the part where he'd possibly lost his card and personal information with it. The leader told him that they were cooking so he should try to be home soon. He agreed before ending the call.

"Sir?" the cashier called him. "You won't believe this."

Dino raced for the clothing shop where he'd bought his hat. Once again, he was in such a rush that he didn't notice you until you were right in front of him.

"Hi again," he panted.

"Hi. Sorry, the store must have had a different number for you." You held out the bag. "I figured you needed this back."

"Yes, thank you so much." He traded with you, quickly opening it to see everything in there. He breathed a sigh of relief. "Can you do me a favor?"

When he got home, Seungcheol and Jeonghan were waiting impatiently for him.

"You lost your card?" Jeonghan demanded.

"You're lucky the store called or we wouldn't have known," Seungcheol added.

"No, no! I have it. I found it," Dino insisted, producing it for them to see.

"And where was it?"

He glanced between them. "It was...with a friend. We met up and switched shopping bags by accident."

"Uh huh, and what's this friend's name?"

"(Y/N)," Dino replied with no hesitation.

"Then why did the store call here instead of (Y/N) calling you?"

He sighed. "We only have email addresses. It was easier to try to find me through the store since it was so important."

"Fair enough," Seungcheol said after a few moments. "Go wash up and then we'll eat."

Dino nodded quickly, heading to his room where he breathed a sigh of relief. He glanced at his phone to see a new message from you.

"Did they buy it?"

He grinned. "Yes. I owe you one, (Y/N)!" He paused before sending another message: "We should hang out again sometime."

You beamed at the message as you read it. When he told you his friends would flip out over him losing that card, you'd worked out a story to keep him out of trouble. And it seemed that you'd made a new friend to boot.

Maybe today was your lucky day.

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