Left & Right - Dino (Best)

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Dino had always considered himself to be pretty confident. He was well-trained in dance and knew his strengths. He could rap and sing pretty well. Heck, he'd even choreographed some of his own routines, both for himself and for the group's songs.

He had talent.

He knew that he did.

So...why couldn't he think of any lyrics to help with the new song?

Most of the other members had no problems with this kind of thing. It was made easier by Woozi's worksheets that seemed more like homework. But this particular one was making him draw a blank.

This block didn't seem to affect the others in the same way. Most of them had already had a discussion with Woozi about lyric ideas that he'd taken into consideration. Even though he was responsible for the majority of the lyrics, he liked having the other members participate in the process. It wouldn't be long before he asked Dino about his own thoughts.

And he had...nothing.

He thought hard about the song itself and the message. He went and looked back over some of his old lyric sheets. Those from songs he'd been in the process of writing, and the rejected lyrics from songs already written that had been considered tabled for later. None of them seemed to fit the situation now.

He was actually out on a walk when it happened. He spotted you sitting on a bench, pulling on your shirt to try and cool off. Within a minute or two, you were up and jogging again. You were obviously resting in between laps.

But that movement. The sudden jump up to get back to what you were doing. 

That sparked something in him. 

Maybe he could use that kind of energy in the song. Like, you can stop what you're doing but you have to get up and keep going.

But was that too simple? Would that work with the message? He sat down on the bench and saw something sitting near his feet.

A water bottle.

Was that yours?

Without thinking, he picked it up and started walking in the direction you'd gone in.

You felt a tap on your shoulder and turned around. Only to see a young man, holding out a water bottle.

"Is this yours?"

"Thank you, I thought I lost it." You quickly accepted it and took a long swig. "Can't make it to 5k without some water."

"5k?" he repeated. "Are you training?"

"Yeah. I'm at about the 1k mark now. But being able to cross the finish line will make it all worth it."

"You don't want to win?" Dino blurted out.

You chuckled. "I run because I want to feel good. Just being able to finish the distance will do that for me. Thanks again for finding my water."

"Feeling good," Dino murmured as you started off on your run again. "Maybe that's it."

When he got home, he flew through Woozi's questions about what it means to keep going when faced with two choices.

And while he didn't use Dino's exact words in the lyrics, Woozi did take them to heart when figuring out the theme of the song.

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