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(Soulmate AU where you meet your soulmate in your dreams. You don't remember meeting them in the dreams until you meet them in real life)

When asked, Woozi would always credit his dreams as his inspiration for his song lyrics. He couldn't remember a lot of his actual dreams, but he did remember how they made him feel. He remembered how he felt when he woke up after them. He sometimes remembered the scenery surrounding them.

So for all intents and purposes, his dreams did inspire him. He just didn't know that you were the real inspiration because of your soulmate bond. In fact, Woozi typically denied having a soulmate bond because he wasn't aware of his connection. He couldn't remember it if he hadn't met you.

It wasn't like you remembered much more than him - you were lucky if you remembered anything at all when you woke up from your dreams. You just knew that the nights where you did dream made you feel content somehow, even though you couldn't remember them.

And that was the issue that came up constantly between the two of you. You remembered the dreams while you were in them, but you could never figure out any clues to lead you to one another. Once you were awake, you forgot everything that happened in the dreams.

You opened your eyes and looked around. Woozi was standing a few feet away, arms crossed as he frowned at nothing. You were in the same place as always, an open field with some trees and paths surrounding it.

"We forgot again," you said. Though it wasn't really necessary. It was obvious from his temperament. And you knew yours wasn't much better.

He ran a hand through his hair. "I don't get it. What if we never remember? How are we ever supposed to meet like this?"

"I don't know," you replied truthfully. "Your memories aren't getting any better?"

You knew from your first few meetings with him that he was more likely to remember than you. The bond on his end was stronger for some reason, so he could remember what was going on in the dreams even if he couldn't remember you.

You were stuck on just remembering him. So it was obvious that he would be able to find you more easily than the other way around.

But he shook his head.

"I remember feelings, that's about it. Sometimes I get a glimpse of what happened here but it's nothing that makes sense. Nothing that will give me a clue."

"You said that these dreams inspire your music, right?"

"Yeah, but not everything. Just a scene here or there."

You glanced around, trying to look for something that might be important enough to remember. As your eyes landed on a path nearby, you grabbed his hand and dragged him along behind you.

"I think I have an idea."

The next morning, he woke up feeling more inspired than he had in a long time. He remembered a fork in the road. A pinwheel stuck into the dirt. And a promise to wait there. To meet again.

It was amazing how well he could picture it. How well he could almost hear another voice saying the words to him.

You had never heard Seventeen's music. One of your cousins was a huge fan, so you thought tickets to their next tour would be a great gift.

Which obviously meant that you got to go along for the experience.

Just from chatting outside while you were waiting to get in the venue, you could tell that the fans were passionate. They were so kind and respectful even when you admitted you weren't a hardcore fan.

You knew some of the songs. You brushed up on the album before coming to the concert. But you didn't have a bias or anything like that. You vaguely knew that they were self-producing and their dancing was more in sync than any other K-pop group out there.

But then the concert started. And you fell in love.

They could sing. They could dance. They joked around with their fans. They gave 120% to every performance, whether it was a full group or a sub-group. You understood the others' dedication to them now.

At one point, the vocal team came out and performed Pinwheel. You had never heard the song before so it was kind of hard to follow along, but something about it felt so...familiar to you. Like it was calling to you.

"Are you okay?" your cousin suddenly asked. You glanced up only to realize your vision was blurry. You had tears streaming down your face from this one song.

You nodded, cheering loudly when the song was over.

The rest of the concert was a blur to you. You had managed to score good tickets, so you got to be behind the barricades for the send-off after the tour.

"You're not still crying over that song, are you?" your cousin teased.

"It was emotional, leave me alone."

"One of them was apparently inspired to write that by a dream he had."

"A dream?" you repeated. But anything else you were going to say was lost with the loud cheering of the fans still gathered.

The boys were on the move. You clapped and cheered for them as they passed until one caught your eye.

You recognized him instantly. Woozi was the closest thing you had to a bias. Something about him just drew you in.

"Woozi!" you exclaimed before you could stop yourself.

He turned at the sound of your voice and froze.

Mingyu was right behind him, nearly bumping into him. Woozi tore his gaze from you to get through the barricades.

You stared after him in confusion. He looked like he recognized you from somewhere.

You were starting to make your way out of the building when a security guard approached you.

"Excuse me," he said. "Can I ask you two to come with me for a moment?"

"Is everything okay?"

"One of the members wanted me to come get you."

He escorted you and your cousin to something like a green room where the members were gathering their things. They looked up curiously when you arrived.

Woozi slowly approached you and extended his hand to you.

"Thank you for meeting me."

You warily extended your hand as well, shaking it firmly in his. When you glanced up you nearly gasped.

"Jihoon?" You could remember every dream. Every moment spent with him. Every detail of his face. Everything. It was like a fog suddenly lifted.

He smiled. "I was waiting for you, (Y/N)."

You couldn't even reply. There were no words to describe how you felt. So instead you hugged him tightly.

And for once he allowed it.

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