24 Hours - Woozi (Midnight)

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(A/N: I decided to start my unit scenarios with the vocal team and 24H. Since the new year is fast approaching, I thought it'd be fun to do a full 24-hour cycle with different members of the vocal team. And of course, I wanted the leader to get midnight! Enjoy!)

The sky was dark, stars twinkling overhead. Lively conversation permeated the air, never lagging or wavering. 

Woozi had decided to go take a walk several minutes ago, but he could make out his other member's voices even from this distance. Mostly their laughter. The party had been a spur of the moment decision, but it was obviously one that they needed.

The last time they'd stayed up so late together was for an album release. It felt strange to do it for something so...normal.

Even with the current state of things, they'd been working as hard as ever. Some might even say they were pushing themselves too far. He wasn't sure which category he fell into. The group always pushed themselves to do better, be greater, achieve bigger. This year wasn't all that different in his opinion.

He wasn't sure what the next year held for each of them either. But he doubted much would change.

All he wanted was a little quiet before the storm. Everyone would be up for hours, screaming and playing games. So he left them to their own devices and found a shady tree to settle under for a few minutes.

He woke up to someone shaking his shoulder. He blearily opened his eyes and looked up at you.

"Hey, you awake in there?"

Everything immediately flooded back to him. "What time is it? Did I miss it?"

"They're about to start counting."

He stood up and shivered. It had gotten colder when he fell asleep. You offered him the jacket he'd left on his chair when he went for his walk. He eagerly slipped it back on and raced back towards the others.

"Hey, there he is!" Mingyu exclaimed.

"How long do we have?"

His question was answered when The8 suddenly started counting down from 60. He had made it back with one minute to spare.

Someone handed him a shot.

They all shouted along with The8 (who had been the only one to think to bring a watch) to count down to the last second of the year. And when they got to the new year, they all toasted and drank to it.

He squeezed your hand as you finished your own drink.

It was true that he didn't know what the future held. But some things never changed. They'd keep working hard regardless of the situation. And this time next year, he was sure that they'd all be right back here again to do the same thing.

A lot of their time in between would be spent doing the same things - working, writing, practicing, performing, and so on. But this minute right here, was all about remembering that hard work from the past year.

And that was definitely worth celebrating.

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