Left & Right - Jun (Dance Practice)

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(A/N: These one-shots are going to be more of a loose interpretation of the song, but I still hope you enjoy!)

You had made a crucial mistake.

It had never occurred to you that one comment could cause such a problem for you, but here you were. Stuck in the practice room having that one comment thrown back in your face.

All you had said was that The8's part in "My I" looked harder than Jun's. Looked. That's all you'd said. But Jun took it as some kind of personal vendetta and vowed to teach you the exact part that looked so easy to you. 

He'd brought you to the practice room under the guise of watching him practice. But then he produced a long, white cloth, and you realized his real reason for bringing you.

You said nothing and followed along with him in several movements. Mingyu and Seungkwan had learned this dance for a special stage. It was obviously teachable, not impossible.

He started with the basic movements. The footwork and arm positions of certain parts to show how they fit together. And you were quick to discover that you either followed along or you got left behind. He repeated sequences once and only once because  they were so easy, you had to master them quickly. 

Things only got worse when he added in that damn cloth. Then he started making you repeat parts that you did incorrectly.

"You're supposed to spin the other way."

"Keep your arms loose."

"Your head needs to go down more."

You weren't sure anymore how long you'd been working on this. But you did know that it was torture, so the second your body straightened out, you begged him to take a break.

He raised an eyebrow. "Tired already?"

The fact that Jun wasn't sweating or breathing heavily in the slightest only served to make you more annoyed. But enough was enough.

"I take it back," you panted. "Your part is harder."

Jun tilted his head ever so slightly to look at you.

"Say that again? I didn't hear you."

It was obvious from the hint of a smirk that he heard you loud and clear but he was enjoying this. This was what he'd wanted from the very beginning.

"Your part is harder. Please let me take a break."

"Fine. You can have a break after finishing this next turn." 

You tried not to groan. You were only about a quarter of the way through so this turn should be an easy one. But since he kept correcting you, you weren't sure which way to turn anymore. And Jun would be turning at the same time, so if you messed up, you'd mess him up too.

He rewinded the song to just a few seconds before, and you saw him adjust his left arm. If he was turning left, then you had to turn...

You felt the cloth follow your movements and wrap around your stomach as you turned right.

"Not bad," Jun said from behind you. "Now spin to your right."

"My right or stage right?"

"Your right."

You quickly did as instructed, only to run into Jun. The cloth was now wrapped more tightly around the both of you and you realized your mistake too late.


"Whoops. Guess I got my left and right mixed up." He grinned and gave your nose a quick peck. "Come on, you earned that break."

Before you could respond, Jun had already unravelled himself and removed the cloth from his wrist.

One thing was for sure - they obviously knew their dance routines inside and out. And you'd be careful not to forget that in the future.

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