Home Run - Seungcheol (Party of Two)

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"Until the sun rises, let's have our own party."

You could sense it. In the way that he texted you first thing, asking if you were doing anything. It was obvious that he was already planning something himself.

It had been a while since you'd done anything together, just the two of you. You weren't sure what to expect from this. It could be his way to ask if you could come with the group to a shoot. Or maybe he had his days mixed up and thought you were working today.

Either way, you told him the truth - you didn't have any plans for the day. He was there within the hour, offering to drive the two of you. All he would say was that you should wear something comfortable.

"Cheol?" you asked when you were on the road. "Where are we going?"

"It's a surprise," he replied.

"And there's no one else joining us?"

He glanced at you. "No."

You'd already checked the car carefully for any sign of the other members and found none. But one Yoon Jeonghan had fooled you twice before when he snuck in his friend's car and crashed the date.

It took almost half an hour to get to your destination. You were starting to feel even more suspicious before he started taking back roads and slowing down like you were getting close.

When he turned off the car and got out, you waited a minute before following. "Did you set all this up?" you asked.

He grinned. "Do you like it?"

He'd set up a campsite in a large clearing, complete with tents, cooler, and a fire pit. "I got some help from our staff," he admitted, "but I thought it'd be fun to camp out for the night."

You sighed in relief. "I thought you were dragging me to another shoot with the members."

"Not this time." He opened the cooler and offered you a drink. "Sunscreen and bug spray are in the tents if you need them."

The two of you sat around the campsite for most of the day, talking and laughing together. Seungcheol tried and failed to show you how to start a fire with two sticks. You kept dropping ice from the cooler down his shirt. He serenaded you with his own versions of their new album songs.

It wasn't until the sun started setting that you realized how long you'd been enjoying yourselves. You had settled down by that time, sitting side by side watching the flames flicker and dance around the campsite. 

"This was fun," you said softly. He hummed softly in agreement, leaning his head against your shoulder. "Thank you for doing all this."

"I wanted to. It's been too long since we spent time alone together."

"You sure the others aren't lost without their leader?"

He chuckled softly. "I'm sure they can survive one day on their own. Besides, I told them I was at a party and not to wait up."

"Wild party," you joked as you glanced around the dark campsite.

"This is exactly what I had in mind." He moved his head to give you a soft kiss on the cheek.

The next morning, you helped Seungcheol pack all of his equipment away in the car. He dropped you off back at your place and you kissed him good-bye.

"Let me know next time we're having a party," you said. He grinned in response.

"I will." 

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