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Because there were thirteen members in the group along with the three managers that were going to be accompanying them on this flight, it was obvious that the seating wasn't going to even out.

It never completely worked out, but usually the member who didn't sit with the other members at least sat with the managers. But that just wasn't the case this time. One of them was going to have to sit with strangers.

The boys decided that the fairest way to decide who was going to end up with that seat was to use their favorite game: rock, paper, scissors.

After several ties, Mingyu eventually ended up as the loser of the game. The rest played a few more games to divide up where they'd be sitting before splitting up.

Mingyu wasn't sure what to expect sitting alone. It was true that Woozi, Dino, and DK would all be in the row in front of him, but he wouldn't be able to talk to them through the whole flight. He was essentially on his own.

They boarded as easily as they could, quickly stowing away their things and settling in. Mingyu sat in the middle seat and leaned back, trying to get comfortable. It wasn't long before he felt a presence nearby.

"Excuse me," you said. He quickly moved to make room for you to get past him to the window seat. You stowed a bag under your seat before giving him a soft smile.

"Hi, I'm Mingyu."

The introduction was so natural that you returned it with one of your own without even thinking twice. He smiled at you.

You heard furtive whispering from the seats in front of you and glanced up to meet eyes with Dino before he vanished behind the seat. You glanced at Mingyu in confusion. He only ran his hand through his hair nervously.

"My friend Dino," he explained.

"Does he want to sit with you? Because I'd gladly switch with him if--"

"You would?"

You shrugged. "It's just a seat. If he's your friend, you could sit together." But Mingyu was already shaking his head.

"It's okay. He has other friends."

This time when your eyes met with a boy in front of you, it was DK. He gave you a sheepish grin before lowering himself back down out of your eyesight.

"How many people do you know on this plane?"

He chuckled. "A lot."

So the two of you remained seatmates for the entire flight. The person on the other side of Mingyu never arrived, so it was just the two of you for most of it. You got snacks and made small talk together. When you were allowed to roam about, a few of his other friends came by to chat with him and make sure he was doing well.

Not too long after, another boy from the row in front of you plopped in the empty seat and exchanged a few hushed words with Mingyu before falling asleep.

"He says the others are too loud. He wants to sleep," Mingyu explained to you. You nodded your understanding.

"So no movie then?" you joked. Mingyu chuckled.

After a few moments, he did offer you one of his earbuds so that you could listen to music with him. You graciously accepted it, not having had the forward-thinking to bring anything to occupy your time on this flight.

You had actually just planned to sleep most of the way, but with Mingyu sitting next to you, you doubted that was going to be an option. He was immensely entertaining all by himself.

At some point, you started looking for the flight attendant again. You wanted more snacks. Yours had run out ages ago and you felt like you needed something more to tide you over.

"Hey, you hungry?"

Mingyu waved his hand in front of your face while also was holding out a bag of peanuts to you. You quickly shook your head.

"Those are yours, I'll get some more."

"Then at least share with me."

When you glanced at him this time, he was pouting slightly, shaking the bag at you to try and tempt you to agree.

"Fine," you sigh. "But we're sharing them. You'd better eat some too."

He grinned in satisfaction, tearing open the bag to offer you some of them.

"Hey, Mingyu," you hissed. "Look!"

The tall boy snapped his head up as you shook his shoulder. He glanced around before realizing that you were staring out the window at the sunset. A beautiful sunset bathing the fluffy clouds in bright orange and pink streaks.

You turned to comment on the sight when you realized that he was peering over your shoulder. When you turned around, you came almost nose to nose with him.

He smiled. "Hi."

"Hi," you replied with a laugh. "You weren't asleep, were you?"

He shook his head. "Not yet."

"Well, don't let me stop you. I'll wake you up if something happens." He nodded, barely containing a yawn.

A couple of hours later, Mingyu felt you shaking his shoulder again.

"Mingyu, we're going to land soon."

He blinked awake, glancing around at his surroundings. Woozi had long since gone back to his seat. You were packing away some of your things in your carry on. Mingyu stretched, moving to clean up some of his own stuff.

You landed very soon after that. It was a mess trying to get through the gate and grab your suitcase from the terminal. You set it on the ground and started rolling it when you heard a voice behind you.

"Hey, (Y/N)! Wait a second."

You turned to see Mingyu racing towards you. He sighed when he got close, looking incredibly lost all of a sudden.

"Hi, Mingyu. What is it?"

"I..." he hesitated. "Wanted to thank you. I had a great time flying with you."

You smiled. "So did I."

"So, can I...get your phone number?" He shuffled his weight around and you realized that his friends were hanging out several feet away. You figured one of them had put him up to this.

You held out your hand and he quickly fumbled with his phone, handing it over to you. You added a new contact in it before handing it back. He thanked you, bowing slightly as he made his way back to his friends.

Before you even got out of the airport, your phone had already buzzed with a new notification.

"Hello! It's Mingyu! :)"

You grinned before typing out a reply. Funny to think how different the flight would have been if he hadn't said hello to you in the first place.

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