Crazy In Love

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When DK fell, he fell hard. He could fall for just about anyone if he was honest. He liked the thought of love and he wanted to experience it for himself.

He never shied from giving his attention or his affections to other people. It was part of his natural charm. He loved meeting new people.

And sure, most of the time his feelings weren't reciprocated. But he never took it to heart, choosing instead to refocus them on someone else who would hopefully reciprocate. Not everyone was built like him, ready to share their feelings at the drop of a hat.

You were one such person. You had been friends with Joshua and Seungkwan for a long time. You enjoyed hanging out with them and spent a lot of time with the rest of the group as a result. And since your friends were members of the vocal team, those members in particular got to spend a lot of time with you.

DK loved it when you came to visit. You always flashed him a bright smile when you saw him and gave him a big hug. You laughed at his jokes. You asked about his well-being and played games with him. He knew very early on that he was smitten with you, and would gladly do anything you asked - you'd even coaxed that cursed seal impression out of him a few times.

He was obviously concerned that you may already be dating Seungkwan or Joshua. But after some careful prying, they both denied it.

"I don't think I've ever seen (Y/N) date anyone," Seungkwan added. "I know there were some crushes in the past, but nothing ever happened."

This new information made DK even more cautious around you. What if you'd had your heart broken in the past? What if you didn't like him and were just being friendly to him?

But try as he might, he couldn't bear to keep his distance from you. Every time you were around, he found himself smiling so hard it hurt his jaw. He couldn't help it. There was just something about you. So he decided to just keep his feelings to himself this time.

Which became particularly hard one night when you were invited over to a game night and you all started playing truth or dare.

Mingyu danced on a table and nearly broke his leg in the process.

Jeonghan revealed that he was the one behind the great hot sauce prank that nearly gave S. Coups heartburn.

Woozi and Minghao switched clothes.

Hoshi admitted that he loved going on walks just to see if anyone would recognize him.

"(Y/N), truth or dare?" Hoshi asked.

"Truth," you replied.

"Would you ever date one of us?"

Your eyes flitted over the members before you nodded slowly. "Yeah. If he wants to."


"Ah!" you interrupted him. "You only get one question, no cheating. Dino, truth or dare?"

As the youngest accepted a dare that involved him doing an impression of Seungkwan's over the top variety show acting, DK zoned out.

You thought you would date one of them?


You and Hoshi seemed close. Or maybe you'd like someone handsome like Mingyu. He actually had no idea what you looked for in a boyfriend. Why hadn't he asked Seungkwan the other day when he had the chance?

He felt a nudge in his side and glanced up to see Jun asking him.

"Truth," he replied. And then instantly regretted it.

"What are you thinking so hard about?"

" doesn't matter."

"Thinking about who (Y/N) wants to date?" he pressed teasingly.

"Leave him alone, Jun," you spoke up. "He answered your question, didn't he?"

Jun simply shrugged, letting DK off the hook. But it was obvious to everyone in this room that there was something going on between the two of you.

It definitely was now as DK's ears started turning red while he moved the game along. They only did that when he was nervous or embarrassed.

The next round only made it worse. Realizing that the boys would simply ask you to pick one of them if you chose truth again, you chose dare.

"Show us your contact pictures for each of us," Mingyu demanded.

You scoffed. "No way."

"What's wrong? Got a secret?"

"My phone died."

"Then go charge it. We'll wait."

They were doing this on purpose. You'd had a feeling when they invited you over but it was obvious now.

"Fine," you replied. "DK, you mind letting me use your charger?"

He scrambled to his feet, following you out of the room.

"Sorry for the mess," he said as he handed you the charger. "And about them, they're being weird today."

You plugged in your phone. "It's not that surprising, actually. Seungkwan saw it last week."

"Saw what?"

"Your contact picture."


But the words died in his throat as you turned your screen and he saw the picture. It was one of the two of you together, him behind you as he rested his head on your shoulder and his bright smile plastered on his face. He remembered taking that with you when you were just goofing around.

"I told him it was just a good picture but I don't think he bought that."

DK blinked. "Does that like me?"

You nodded, averting your gaze. "When I like someone, I really like them. I fall fast, so I try not to show my feelings a lot. I was going to tell you properly but--"

"I'm the same way!" he exclaimed. "Well, my feelings are easy to read, but I fall hard too. And I you too."

"You do?"

He nodded quickly, his infamous smile making an appearance.

You grinned back at him. "So, what should we do now?"

Jeonghan sighed as another minute passed. "This is taking too long. I told you it wouldn't work, Mingyu."

"Shh," Woozi hissed. "They're coming."

The two of you raced out of his room, hands grasped firmly together as he led the way. "Your plan worked and we're going to the arcade, bye!" he exclaimed as he ran out the front door.

"At least take jackets, it's cold outside!" Joshua exclaimed as he raced to the door. Your fading laughter was the only answer he received. He shook his head in disbelief.

You were both crazy. That was the only explanation.

"You were saying?" Mingyu said, grinning at Jeonghan. Seungkwan high-fived him, proud to take credit for this.

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