24 Hours - Joshua (Evening)

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(A/N: I decided to start my unit scenarios with the vocal team and 24H. Since the new year is fast approaching, I thought it'd be fun to do a full 24-hour cycle with different members of the vocal team. Second in the cycle is Joshua! Enjoy!)

The sun had just gone down over the horizon.

The boys had gathered around in a big makeshift circle to eat and talk. Joshua had even brought out his guitar and started strumming it for some ambience.

One of the others, you weren't sure who, had made a makeshift fire pit. A few of the guys were taking turns trying to light the flames.

You sat down next to Joshua and listened to the soothing melody while they worked.

"So, any big plans for the new year?" Joshua asked after a few moments.

"I had a lot of plans last year that didn't go anywhere so...I'm trying not to jinx it."

He smiled softly. "We have a group plan, you know. Make every day count. You could start there."

The fire suddenly started growing. Jun stepped back in triumph.

Joshua carefully set his guitar off to the side so the heat wouldn't affect it. And then proceeded to steal food off your plate.

You smacked his hand away. "Hey! Get your own."

"But Mingyu put the food so far away. Please share with me?" He pouted with his big puppy eyes.

"You could make today count and go get your own," you replied as you took your food out of his reach.

He made a big show of sighing and getting up to go trudge his way towards the food. You laughed to yourself. And Seungkwan was the dramatic one.

It was a cool night, not too hot or cold. The fire certainly helped make it feel more welcoming.

When he was done eating, Joshua scooted his chair closer to yours and wrapped an arm around your shoulder.

"What are you doing?"

"Making today count because I don't get to hold you often."

"Get a room!" Jun called from the other side of the fire.

"You can hold The8 if you're jealous!" You replied. The others laughed. Jun merely shrugged and went back to his conversation.

Pretty soon, it was decided that you should go around the circle and talk about what you wanted from the new year.

You said that you wanted to go to concerts and restaurants again but that was pretty much it.

Joshua stood up for his turn and smiled.

"This year has been hard," he admitted. "But I look around this fire, at everyone gathered here, and I realize I don't need anything else. As long as we can continue to get together like this, that's all that matters to me. Even if we still can't see our fans in person, we can inspire them through our actions together. And that's all I need. Here's to the new year!"

"That was beautiful," you whispered as he sat back down.

"It's true. My resolution is to keep my loved ones close. As long as I do that, I'm ready for whatever else comes our way."

Seventeen SongficsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang