Home Run - Mingyu (Hide and Seek)

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Why the game of hide and seek? Let's play something else.  

It had been this way for over a year. You worked at a coffee shop near the boys' dorm. You hadn't known that when you applied but it became obvious pretty quickly that when any of the boys showed up, you were going to have a tall order.

You had known that there was something different about Mingyu the first time he came in. He seemed out of it, repeating things multiple times and asking for straws when he already had several in his hand.

It wasn't completely obvious at the time, but it was after the third time he came in. The time he asked for your number. You were surprised at the sudden request but you politely informed him that you were dating someone. 

He immediately apologized, saying he hadn't known. You assured him it was fine, but he stopped coming in as much. Instead, Seungkwan took his place as the coffee grabber. No one ever gave a reason for this sudden switch, but it was obvious enough. He was trying to respect your relationship in the best way he knew how.

After a few months, you heard rumors that Mingyu was dating someone. You couldn't ask him personally so it was all gossip as far as you were concerned. But that was around the time that you changed jobs, which meant no more taking orders at the coffee shop. You mentioned it off-handedly to Seungkwan, saying that he'd have to get used to another barista taking their large order.

Several months later, you were finishing work when you decided to stop by the same coffee shop. Just to see what had changed in your absence.

You hadn't expected to run into Mingyu, but there he was, picking up a singular coffee and nearly spilling it on you as he turned towards the exit.

"Mingyu?" you called before you could stop yourself. 

He stepped back in surprise. "Hey."

"I didn't know you still came here."

"Yeah, when I can. Staying busy, you know how it is."

"Right." You reached around him to grab your own drink as it was placed on the counter. "Maybe we can meet here together sometime."

"Aren't you dating someone?" he blurted out. "I mean, they might not like it if...we saw each other."

"Oh. Maybe you're right." You'd forgotten that he could be dating someone. It would be unfair to put him in that situation. "Forget I said anything."


Mingyu followed you out of the coffee shop, pulling his jacket closer around his shoulders. "Aren't you dating someone?"

"We broke up a few weeks ago," you muttered. "But that doesn't matter, does it? You're dating someone."

He chuckled. "Don't believe what you read in the tabloids."

It took a second for his words to register. You glanced at him. "Are you busy this weekend?"

"I can make some time for you."

The two of you exchanged numbers. Mingyu was quick to catch your arm before you left. "I'll make it worth the wait, I promise."

You'd later discover that Mingyu had kept going back to the coffee shop to find you. Like a one-sided game of hide and seek. But the one thing you didn't know was that he intended to win.

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