Left & Right - Hoshi (Rest Day)

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(A/N: These one-shots are going to be more of a loose interpretation of the song, but I still hope you enjoy!)

Hoshi blindly reached for his alarm clock as it started blaring.

It was his day off. Usually, he was raring to go. Get in the practice room, go to the gym, explore the surrounding area. Something.

But today...he felt different.

Once the alarm clock was fully off, he rolled over to rest a bit more. Just for a bit.


He shifted slightly. "Hoshi!"

This time, he sprang up. "What? What happened?" He blinked a few times before his gaze finally landed on you. Standing in his room wearing your workout clothes.

"Are you okay?" you asked. "Jun said you haven't come out of your room at all today."

He'd forgotten that you were supposed to go for a run today. One of the others must have let you in. 

"I'm okay. Just slept in," he assured you.

"Do you still want to go for our run?" 

He rolled his way out of bed and walked to his closet. He fully intended to go. But the longer he stood there, the more he didn't want to.

He glanced over at you. "Can we skip today?"

"Skip? Are you sick?"

"I'm fine....but I don't have a lot of energy. Maybe I need an actual day off." He turned back to you. "You brought a change of clothes, right?"

You nodded.

"You want to change and we can have a lazy day in?"


So you did exactly as he asked. You'd never seen Hoshi so drained before. But you supposed it was only natural. He and the others had been pushing themselves a lot lately. His body probably needed a break. Maybe he needed a mental one too.

When you'd finished changing, Hoshi had changed himself and run a comb through his hair. He'd also settled back on his bed, scrolling through shows and movies to watch.

It was nice in its own way. Spending time relaxing instead of being out doing things. The fastest Hoshi moved all day was when takeout had shown up at the dorm. He raced to the door to claim it and sneak back to his room where the others wouldn't take it.

You heard grumbles from some of the other members when he came back, obviously upset that he hadn't bought enough for everyone. 

The rest of the day was spent eating that food, watching shows, or just playing music and talking. A lot of the songs were from SHINee but you were hardly complaining about it.

"Is this wrong?" he asked finally. "I feel like I should be working."

"Hoshi, all you do is work. Every day, you're giving 120% to whatever you need to be focusing on right then. It's okay to step back and take a break every now and then."

He sat up. "But I'm not accomplishing anything like this."

"Look at it like this," you said. "The reason you're supposed to take rest days in between your workouts is to give your muscles time to heal, right?" He nodded. "Then this is your rest day. It's not a setback to your routine, just a rest period so that you can keep working hard tomorrow."

It took a few moments to digest that idea.

"Not a setback. Just a rest."


He grinned. "That's a good way to look at it."

And even though they were still few and far between, Hoshi vowed to try and take more rest days for himself. Doing his best all the time was tiring. Everyone deserved a break now and then.

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