Hero hugs his brother.
"You are the best in the whole world!"

Howard sighs.
"Don't just waste money. And study hard."

"Yes brother. Ah. Speaking of a gift. Remember Kei, my classmate in the province? He is in the city now and today is his birthday. He invited the class so I am thinking of buying something for him."

"Right, how is little Kei?"

"Little Kei? Why do you always treat him better than your own brother?"

"Kei is a good boy…..while you are my brother so I can't really do anything about it."

"I am thinking of buying Kei a porn magazine or a porn dvds. Did you know he never looked at one because he has always been warned by his grandma that having one will make him a rapist someday. That old woman really ruined Kei's life."
Hero sighs.

Howard hits his head.
"Don't badmouth a dead person. And thanks to her Kei grows up a respectable adult unlike you."

Hero smiles happily.
"I wonder if I already have an illegitimate child at this age. Hahaha."

Howard sighs.
It is not because he thinks Hero's joke is too much but because they might actually be true.
He really wants to know what's inside his brother's thick head.
And he even wants to be a police officer.
So help this country if this guy becomes someone that upholds the law.

Hero looks around.
"Where's the boss?"

"He left early. Why do you ask?"

"Nothing. It's just too different without him around." Hero smiles. "The temperature is not that cold."

Howard shakes his head.
"Don't treat the boss as an air conditioner. He is not always cold."

"Meh~~ So will you go with me at Kei's birthday party?"
Hero asks.

"You just want me to come because you want me to drive you there, right?"

"Hehe. He said his new house is in a private subdivision. It seem taxi can't come inside and the bro's want me to ask you to drive us."

Howard shakes his head.

"Thanks brother! I really love you the most! When you grow old alone, I will make sure to tell my wife and children to take care of you until you die."

"......can I take back my offer?"


Hero happily takes out his phone.

"Good news, We have a car and a driver for free. Yep. My bro. Nope. Ah, brother, Michael asks if you want to have an amorous relationship with a college boy. It seems he doesn't care anymore and just wants to have some."

"Tell him to die."

"Really? I mean, it might be your last chance to get laid."

Howard stares at him intently.
Hero makes a peace sign and moves away chatting with his friends.

When he came back it was Kei he was talking to.

"Kei, brother Howard will drive us to your house."

"You seriously have no soul. Just die." Kei said.

"Kei, you know I don't like hotdog in my spaghetti so don't put hotdogs. Just add mushroom."

"Why is your preference going to matter to me? If you don't like it, eat other things….rather, don't eat and just stop breathing."

"Cause I am your best friend. And best friends care about their friend's preferences."

"You convince me. I almost forgot how you gave me lychee flavored gelatin last year for my birthday knowing how much I hate lychee."

"I forgot to buy a gift and that's all in the convenience store at that time." Hero grins.
"It's the thought that counts."

"Right~~ Being forgotten and just hastily grabbing a gelatin really~~ makes me appreciate your thoughts." Kei monotone voice echoed.

Howard looks at his brother.
"How are you so popular?"

Hero smiles.
"Cause I am handsome."

"Get out of your high horses before I kill you." Kei sighs.

Howard looks at his brother.
Hero tilts his head.

"You are handsome." 

Hero nods.
"I am, right~~~"

"But that adds up to the irritation." Howard adds.

Hero laughs.

FOUL MOUTHED HALF BROTHER (Yaoi)(Complete)Where stories live. Discover now