And I think that is the beauty of first pov because it's up to you how you interpreted their action with Carline's perspective. Knowing that Enmir knows what she was doing and was able to deceive Cindra to have a mission on Arvory Mansion, maybe he at least had a decency in him left by letting her be a thief. Who knows? Maybe Enmir was actually a revered hero in someone's life aside from the crazy bastard that we learned of.


Amica (Crusaders)

Forget where I got that word lol I didn't bother changing it either. I searched it up and it came from the word Amicus that meant a friendly and loving woman and someone admired for her strength and courage. For the org names, I want it to be literal since they travel a lot.

Cattivo (Reapers)

Cattivo is an Italian word for 'bad'. When I ran out of ideas for names, I always refer to some German, Italian, Latin, and Greek words since their language sounds like some magic spells or maybe that's just me. Their org name says it all. They kill a lot that's why.

Types of Amica

Again, I want it to be literal since I didn't want the story to be more of a 'high fantasy' with a lot of world-building and own language. The Restricted Type because they are restricted and could only use their magic if the awakened (i.e. Cindra should awaken to use her portals but has lasting effects) while the Limited Type because they have to meet some limits in order to use their magic (i.e. Ace could only use a person's appearance one) Rare Type can be anything out of ordinary like the two magic thingies and can also be the one that has both limited and restricted types.


At first, there were some spells composed of, again, Latin words, but it was hella confusing so I made something easier to remember and anyone could use.



I always take time naming my characters to depict either their personality or a little something about them. For Carline, her name means 'free man' which was the opposite of her initial circumstance but she achieved it in the end.

Carline's name was supposed to be Apphinity Carline Ezriel thus making ACE but I could not even spell my character's name properly and it might get confusing having three separate names since we already had Freed who also had three.

I wanted to make her funny and cheerful but from her experience, I guessed she tends to be more mature than her age.


For Reichen it comes from the word 'reich' which translates to rich because he is one while for Reid is simply 'red-hair'. If you're thinking "But Reid is blonde..." that's simply because this puppet was for Freed to get close to Carline who had the red hair.

As for Freed, it is actually a pun seeing how Carline was all about FREEDom. Yes. I know it's a bad one lol

Reid was not supposed to exist at first and Reichen is the knight but then I decided to separate them.

Freed and Carline were supposed to marry at the beginning and there's no such thing as the Selection. (We wouldn't have met the other princesses)


Xenon's name means 'guest' which he was at the palace of Ezriel since he was someone that was picked up by King Enmir and nurtured by him.

Xenon was supposed to be a very minor character but then he slowly became one of my faves and he developed into something more. Actually, there was part of me who wanted to make him as the end game but it was just my second lead syndrome distracting me.

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