Chapter 4: The Fallen Kingdom

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Narrator POV

(F/N) fought hard to get strong.

He's fought for days straight without rest, while killing Grimm by the thousands.

(F/N) has achieved incredible feats of strength, speed, stamina, Dexterity, and durability.

He's climbed the mountain to its peak... with around 30 train cars chained to him. He's killed a Nevermore by shooting it in the eye from the ground, while the nevermore was in the clouds. He's braved landfalls from the mountain without a scratch.

Every day, he would punch the mountain, and the force of his attacks would grow.

But now, it's time for one last adventure.

Your POV

You stand at the beach of the island, peering into the ocean. You ponder your month here, and how excited you are to go back home

Hood: Back before this place was a wasteland, there used to be mining operations everywhere. But, people started turning to Grimm, so everyone left.

That explains why there's so many Draugr here.

Hood: Most materials were transported by submarine, since they could sail underneath the constant storms you find around here.

You've gotten stronger, you should be able to go and get it.

Hood: You sure you're ready?

You shrug, and dive into the ocean.

5 hours later

It's dark at the bottom of the ocean. The immense pressure constantly hammers at you.

You take a step forward.

You found the submarine, and you're dragging it across the sea floor, pulling it by a large chain.

You feel something moving in the water around you. It's big, but it seems it hasn't noticed you yet.

You take another step forward.

The massive submarine creaks under the weight of the abyss, echoing through the darkness. The movement stops... waiting.

You stop dead in your tracks, terror creeping into your mind.

Suddenly, you start to hear wailing, sending shivers down your spine.

You look behind you, and what you see gives you nightmares.

In the distance, you see a mess of grey, slowly but surely squirming towards you on the ocean floor. You can't quite make it out, it's too far away.

It's huge. It has to be at least 10 miles tall.

You don't want to stick around and find out what it looks like up close.

You try to take another step, but your leg won't move.

You struggle to escape your trance, but as hard as you try, your body won't move.

You look at the leviathan again.

It's an amalgamation of rotten bodies melted together, wailing in agony as it's hundreds of human arms slowly drag itself across the floor of the abyss towards you.

You struggle even more to escape.

The leviathan gets closer and closer as you struggle, and it's wailing echoes again and again inside your head, drowning out your thoughts.

You stare at it, in a trance.

A thick, tree-like tentacle of arms slowly reaches towards you. The arms hopelessly grab at the abyss, desperately searching for the control that was torn from them.

 The Last Berserker (RWBY x OP Abused Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now